Tag Archives: Obama

Obama Messianic Muslim?

Obama and KhameiniIran is ancient Persia. Persia is mentioned in Ezekiel 38 along with Gog and Magog. These are important players in the end times. Modern Persia is ruled by Muslim mullahs, who believe that the Mahdi/12th imam will appear and take control of the world. In a manner of speaking, they believe in a Muslim messiah, though they would not say it that way. Isn’t it astounding, that two opposite religions are making opposite claims about a “messiah to come”? This is no accident, for Satan knows the “Word of God”, and he goes about to subvert and pervert and confuse the plans of Almighty God.

President Obama reverently observes Islam, and he is in full control of the most powerful office in the world. Obama is being faithful to Allah, by using his very powerful position to facilitate the ascendancy of Islam in the United States and beyond. Apparently the deal with Iran includes assisting Iran should another country attack them, such as Israel, and the Obama administration appears to be hiding certain parts of the agreement. Question: Why would the most powerful nation in the world make such a deal with Iran/Persia? Why would the administration need to hide certain parts of the agreement? It seems obvious, that there is a hidden agenda that must be guarded at all costs.

Could it be, that Obama believes that Shiite Iran will bring in an Islamic messiah, and that he is using the USA to help facilitate this? Could it be that President Obama is selling us out in order to help our enemy acquire the atomic means, to blackmail the world? I don’t necessarily believe the anti-Christ will be from Iran/Persia, but Iran/Persia will certainly play an important role in the end on the side of perdition.

The Holy Bible of Christendom reveals, that the true Messiah is Yahshua Jesus, and that He will return to earth for His faithful ones. The Holy Bible also reveals, that there will be a false messiah or anti-Christ, and that this false messiah will be so convincing, that if it were possible he would fool the very elect.

This Barack Obama guy appeared on the world stage suddenly out of nowhere, and he is working marvelously to undermine Christendom and Israel. The hour is much later than you think. Matthew 24:43, “But know this, that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched and not suffered his house to be broken up. Therefore be you also ready, for in such and hour as you think not the Son of Man cometh”.


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Obama The Shiite?

Barack-Obama-in-Kenya-006It is obvious that President Barack Obama is a Muslim. The question is: Is he a Shiite Muslim? He has spent much time and energy loving on the Mullah’s of Iran and has now paved the way for them to get the atomic bomb in 10 years. He has done this at the expense of the Sunni Muslims of many Middle-Eastern nations and he is doing it at the expense of the nation he is president of and at the expense of Israel. It seems obvious that his allegiance is more to Shiite Islam, than to anything else.

Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Exodus 20:3 (words of YaHVeH, God of Israel and Christianity)

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Anti-Christ Obama?

atomic bombMany shall come in My name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many. (Matthew 24:5)  Obama claims to be a Christian and has deceived many. Millions of intellectually drunken Americans follow the Pied Piperish President’s hypnotic spell to the River of Death aka “Change you can believe in”. This charmer is most likely not the real “Man of Sin”, albeit, he appears to be a type of forerunner, who is preparing the way for such a man.

Only hours ago, Obama cut a deal with the Shiites of Persia, whose heart’s desire is to bring in a false messiah known as the “12th Imam”. Obama’s capitulation is equivalent to treason and leaves one breathless. He leaves our southern border open to every “hater of America”, he uses the high office of the President of the United States to create a safe haven for Muslims, and now he has paved the way for Shiite Persia to possess the ultimate weapon of mass destruction known as the atomic bomb. Barack Obama is destroying magnificently right before our eyes and with the support of the liberal intellectually drunken elite. AMERICA, open your eyes and behold the man. Is Barack Obama’s Islam of the Shiite sort?

My fellow Christians, the blood of our forefathers cries to us from the ground. Shake yourself and arise from slumber. Do not be partakers of America’s harlotry. Separate yourself from the ones whose lips drip with honey, whose flattery draws you dangerously close to the edge, who desires to sleep with you in your bed and in the morning wakes you up dead. Do not taste of her rich delicacies laced with sin and desire. Come out from among them and wash your garments spotless white in the blood of the Lamb. Prepare yourself for our Great and Mighty Bridegroom, who is coming for a Church without spot or wrinkle or any such thing. The hour is late. Do you not know this? Do you not see? Buy for yourselves eye salve, so that you might see clearly once again. Trouble is near, even at the door. Do not harden your heart. Seek the heart of Almighty God while yet He may be found.


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Anti-Christian Obama

download (5)Abomination, or should I say Obamanation? By their fruits you will know them. Think about it! Obama lights up the outside of the White House with night lights in the colors of the rainbow in celebration of legalizing marriage between sodomites. This is blasphemy pure and simple: sacrilege, desecration, irreverence. These are not the ways of a Christian.

Christian means like Christ. The above actions are far from Christian. The fruits of Obama are exactly the opposite. Frankly speaking they are anti-Christian or anti-Christ. They bring sadness and shame and reproach on the United States of America. I don’t think I have ever witnessed a more irreverent blasphemous act by a sitting President. Barack Obama is using the high office of the Presidency of the United States to shake his fist in the face of Almighty YaHVeH. I actually fear for the well-being of my country!

In the military there is the phrase “painting the target”, which means, marking something to be destroyed by weapons. Obama has “painted the target” as it were. If the White House were to be struck by lightning, it would not surprise me at all. Obama’s lighting the White House in rainbow colors is a declaration of hostility against Almighty God and against Christianity. Public tax dollars are being spent to denigrate me and my fellow Christians. The President of my country is purposefully attacking Christianity.

Well, Obama is out in the open now. Anyone who believes he is a Christian has serious issues with their logic. Just when you think you could not possibly be more ashamed, you become more ashamed. The federal government has openly declared war upon Christians and upon Christianity. Call a spade a spade. And know this, it will get worse from here. Persecution of Christians has begun, and President Obama and the Supreme Court are leading the charge.

Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.

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Israel. Do Not Trust Obama!

download (12)How long must men play mind games before they realize, that nothing replaces good old-fashioned truth? How long must cowards be endured, when lives are at stake? Any wise informed mind realizes, that Israel’s existence is at stake. Obama expects Israel to trust Obama with their national security? Hahahahahahahahahaha! That is a most laughable proposition. As a very patriotic American, I can assure you, that Obama does NOT have Israel’s back! Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu: I warn you not to trust the Obama administration. They talk a good game, but their actions do not support their words. Mr. Netanyahu, you are right that Obama is playing a dangerous game with Israel’s national security in negotiating with Persia/Iran. Persia’s Moslem rulers are infidels in the strictest sense of the word. Persia’s rulers HATE Israel. Obama and his administration are blind men leading the blind and they will both fall into the ditch.

Matthew 12:34 says, “The mouth speaks out of the abundance of the heart.” Persia’s spiritual ruler Ayatollah Khamenei compared Israel to a cancerous tumor that needed to be cut off. Persia’s former president Ahmadinejab said that the regime occupying Jerusalem must vanish from the page of time. An Iranian General recently said their hands are on the trigger to destroy Israel. Listen carefully: these leaders of Iran/Persia are speaking out of the abundance of their hearts. They have hatred in their hearts for Israel. The one thing that precedes murder is hatred and this is a fact. It is one thing to very much dislike someone and their motives, but it is quite another to hate them. People with hatred in their hearts are suspects for future murder. You see, the leaders of Iran/Persia are not interested in the possibility of rehabilitating Israel from their perceived worthlessness; they are interested in murdering the people of Israel. It is what we call genocide. A nuclear weapon could be very useful in Persia’s hands to genocide Israel. I know I used genocide as a verb, and that was my intention. Any wise informed man knows that Persia does not need energy. They are sitting on top of one of the world’s largest proven oil reserves and natural gas reserves and this proves that they are lying through their teeth about their desire to make electricity with their nuclear power. OBVIOUSLY, they desire to make nuclear bombs with which to first genocide Israel and then threaten whomever else stands between them and their goals. But the Obama administration turns a blind eye and thus toys with Israel’s national security; um I mean, national existence.

The Jews have been the most targeted people in all of history for extermination. Ancient Persia and Hitler planned to genocide them. The Egyptian Pharaoh sentenced all newborn baby boys to drowning in the Nile. The Babylonians slaughtered them and carried them into captivity. The Romans slaughtered and dispersed them. The Seleucids greatly persecuted them.  Google  www.simpletoremember.com/articles/a/HistoryJewishPersecution/ for a very long list of Jewish persecution. These are known facts. A wise ruler should be able to figure out, that the Iran/Persia profile fits the description of past atrocities against the Jews; and yet, Obama plows forward with foolish empty negotiations with men who HATE Israel. Give me a break! Obama and his entourage of “treating Jews lightly” men and women are setting themselves and the United States of America up to be cursed. Almighty YaHVeH has spoken and will not take it back: Abraham, I will bless those who bless you, and curse those who curse you. Obama and his entourage, that treats Jews lightly, had better repent while there is still time. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, I wish you safety and good success in your trip to the United States to address the U.S. congress concerning Israel’s dangerous position from a possible nuclear Iran/Persia.

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Obama’s Temper Tantrum Against Israel

images (22)Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is being snubbed by president Barack Obama in his upcoming visit to the United States. The Obama administration announced, that President Obama will not be meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu during this visit in March. Netanyahu has accepted Speaker of the House of Representatives John Boehner’s invitation to speak before congress March 11. President Obama is fiercely angry, because he was not told about this invitation in a timely manner and was told by the wrong people. People in the Obama administration are carelessly and foolishly referring to this as a “spit in the face”. Poor Mr. Obama! He didn’t get his way and now he is going have a little temper tantrum, but let us consider the matter more carefully. Only a few weeks ago in October of 2014, an Obama administration official referred to Prime Minister Netanyahu as a “chickenshit”. Earlier in the Obama administration, when Netanyahu and Obama were in a meeting at the White House, it is commonly reported that President Obama suddenly exited the tense meeting to go have dinner with Michelle and his daughters, not bothering to invite Netanyahu to eat with them, and this is a kind version of what took place that evening. President Obama has unduly put huge public pressure on Prime Minister Netanyahu to stop all construction in areas that Israel legitimately gained in war instigated by Muslims/Arabs. The Obama administration has been playing a dangerous diplomatic game with Iran concerning their nuclear weapons program. The Iranians/Persians obviously are busy building a nuclear bomb and delivery systems for said bomb, while threatening to destroy Israel. The Obama administration is blatantly putting Israel at risk of extinction, because there is no way that the Iranian/Persian mullahs are going to halt their efforts to wipe Israel off the map. This is an existential threat to Israel and President Obama is treating the matter lightly. Of course Israel is very nervous about this situation. Would you be nervous, if someone was openly saying that you and your family should killed, and those around you went about their daily routines as if nothing was going on?

President Obama has brazenly spat in the face of Israel, Canada our friend to the north, Christians, the U.S. military, the Prime Minister of Russia Vladimir Putin, Republicans and others, apparently reminding his adversaries that he is quite the man. The fact of the matter is this: the United States has a system of checks and balances. We have three exclusive branches of government: executive, legislative and judicial. Not one branch of the U.S. government is required to get permission from the other two branches in order to do its job. This design was put in place by our founding fathers for the express purpose of preventing a single person from doing things that are not in the interest of our nation. President Obama has repeatedly done things, that are not in the interest of the people of the United States of America; therefore, it is perfectly fitting, that Speaker of the House John Boehner countered President Obama’s careless and dangerous antics with Iran. Inviting Prime Minister Netanyahu to speak before congress is very responsible leadership by Speaker Boehner in checking and balancing President Obama’s careless leadership. It is about time, that someone had the guts to mitigate the damage President Obama is regularly visiting upon our nation. Finally someone has taken President Obama to the woodshed, and pointed out to him that he presides over merely one of the three branches of government. Proverbs 29:2, “When the righteous are in authority the people rejoice, but when the ungodly reign, the people mourn.” President Obama needs to humble himself before the Almighty while there is still time. A grown man should put away childish things.

Mr. President, the day is coming in the which you will stand before Almighty YaHVeH and give an accounting of your life. All of us will give an accounting and not a single soul will escape this responsibility. YaHVeH refers to Jerusalem as the “apple of His eye” in Zechariah chapter two and shows His continued attention to the well-being of  Judah. Those who have spoiled Israel will be dealt with harshly. You don’t have to agree with everything Israel does, but for the sake of yourself and for the sake of the United States of America, behave yourself very wisely in dealing with Israel.

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download (5)People within the Obama administration have taken incompetence and foolhardiness to a whole new level. Apparently they called Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu “chickenshit”. It appears to be a fact, because Secretary of State John Kerry reportedly called Netanyahu to apologize on behalf of the U.S. government. How embarrassed John Kerry must feel over the incident. John Kerry himself has cunningly made known his frustration at Israel for not doing more heavy lifting in the peace process with the Palestinians, even though the Palestinians seem to get a pass from him for doing absolutely nothing substantial. John Kerry must feel humiliation at having to be the one to apologize. Personally, I think it is funny. Just when Obama and his sad entourage of co-rulers are gaining more courage to attack Israel more vehemently than ever, one of the gang gets so bent out of shape, that they lose all sense of self-control and call Netanyahu “chickenshit”. Then suddenly by the hand of YaHVeH, the cat-is-out-of-the-bag as the hypocrisy of the Obama administration is manifested. Do these people really think they can outsmart YaHVeH? It was so trifling easy for the Almighty to slap Obama and his gang down in a moment of time. How humiliated they must feel at the need to apologize, so as not to upset Jewish voters less than a week from election day.

Let me share another story out of the Holy Bible. Israel was being troubled on every hand by the Midianites, the Amalaekites, and the children of the east as recorded in the Book of Judges starting in chapter six. Almighty God called a nobody named Gideon to lead Israel against these enemies. Gideon gathered men of war together numbering about 32,000. YaHVeH told Gideon, that he had too many men, because if they defeated this large host, they would believe they had done it in their own strength. After purposefully reducing their numbers twice down to the number of 300 men, YaHVeH told Gideon that He would save Israel through these 300. Read the story for yourself. Gideon and the 300 did as YaHVeH instructed them and 120,000 of the mighty host of Midian laid down in the dust dead along with their foolish kings. This is just one piece of factual history concerning the mighty deeds of YaHVeH, and the rulers of the earth still have not learned their lesson. After thousands of years, they are still attacking the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Frightfully, some of these rulers are the leaders of my beloved United States of America. In the Book of Genesis, YaHVeH promised Abraham, that He would bless those that blessed him and curse those who cursed him. Obama and his gang are carelessly inviting a curse upon themselves and upon the United States by their very foolish words and actions against Israel. It is no wonder that the USA is experiencing so much trouble. The nations and rulers of the earth best wake up and smell the coffee, before YaHVeH decides that He has had enough, and begins to rain down judgment upon their heads.


Filed under Israel, Israel's God YHVH, Obama, politics, The Holy Bible

Hamas Cowards

images (5)The battle continues to rage in Israel and Gaza. I have a new synonym for Hamas: cowards! They fight their battles from behind the skirts of women and children. These are not warriors, because warriors do not seek the death of their own civilians in order to gain sympathy from the world. I don’t think I have ever seen a more blatant demonstration of cowardice. It is maliciously and insidiously evil. So this is the face of Islam? Listen up ye people; whoever has eyes to see and ears to hear should call for the destruction of Hamas. Human decency demands it. The worst sort of human behavior is being demonstrated right before our eyes. Hamas is visiting genocidal suicide by proxy upon its own people.

I think it is equally appalling, that Obama, Kerry, Ban Ki-Moon and others do not have the balls to give Israel the green light  in its efforts to rid itself of this militant cancer. What kind of men are these anyway? Are they so naive, that they don’t understand, that Hamas is playing them for fools with the “kill civilians from behind civilians” scheme? Obama, Kerry and Ban Ki-Moon’s pathetic strategy is to call for a ceasefire? They should stay out of Israel’s way and let them take care of business! If this is the face of world leadership, then the world is doomed. Any number of people off the street could do a better job. Is this the kind of wisdom Harvard, Yale, Princeton and others are turning out these days? I am completely appalled by the lack of insight possessed by world leaders, but I am not surprised. It is obvious that these men will never be able to lead the world to a good place.

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America Deserves Obama

Obama Wrecking-ballThere are several things that stand out sharply about Barack Obama. Obviously he is a very intelligent man. He possesses considerable charisma and has the power to persuade multitudes by his ideas. He is cunning with his use and delivery of words. He lures people into believing that he has answers. He approaches people with incredible confidence and they are sucked in by it.In Daniel 8:24, the Holy Bible gives us some insight into what appears to be characteristics of the anti-Christ who is to come. It says.

And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power. He shall destroy wonderfully and shall prosper and practice and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.

Notice the phrase “destroy wonderfully”. The Holy Bible is not here declaring this to be a good thing,  but that it is an incredible thing. Now understand me clearly here. I do not think that Barack Obama is the anti-Christ at all. I am sure that he is not. My point is this. Barack Obama is destroying the United States wonderfully and incredibly. It is absolutely stupendous how this man is crumbling America all around us, and it is even more astonishing how many millions of Americans are right there with the President cheering him on. They obviously are blind to his goals and ambitions. He has lulled them into a deeper sleep than they already enjoyed, and has tickled their ears with all kinds of pleasant rhetoric, while burning the house down all around us. He is destroying beautifully, if you will, in wrecking-ball fashion. He has won the wrecking-ball achievement award with great fanfare and celebration. America has sinned beyond all belief and deserves to have Barack Obama as President. Our sins have found us out and we are facing future disastrous calamity. The writing is on the wall. While America parties in a drunken stupor into the wee hours of the morning, Barack Obama fiddles in pleasure at the sight of his handiwork with a grin on his face. Please take careful note of this Holy Bible passage in I Samuel 8:7.

YaHVeH said unto Samuel, “Hearken unto the voice of the people in all that they say unto you: for they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me, that I should not reign over them”.

In this passage, the people of Israel insisted on having a king to rule them. They looked at the nations around them that had kings, and they wanted to have a king of their own. The problem was this: Almighty God ruled them through the prophets. The Almighty would reveal to the prophets what He wanted to be said to the people, and then the prophets would tell the people. Now let me carry on the thoughts of the first paragraph. For the wise objective mind, America was clearly founded upon the Holy Bible, Christianity and by Christians. Through great struggle, sacrifice and trust in Almighty God, the early settlers built one of the greatest nations that has ever graced the face of planet earth. Many thousands sacrificed their life’s blood to build this wonderful country. Because of their trust in Almighty God, coupled with their horrific sacrifices, the United States of America has excelled and surpassed all the nations of the earth in greatness. We were not ashamed of YaHVeH in those days; however, when the hard work brought in our golden age, people forgot the source or our strength. The past two generations have set about to break every restraint. We think that we have made ourselves great. We hardly know what the Holy Bible teaches anymore. Good is called evil and evil is called good. What once was obviously evil is now accepted as right and good. Now we have chosen a President that reflects who we are as a nation. He came in saying all the sweet little things our itching ears wanted to hear, without regard for the warning signs that were obviously present. Obama came in pretending to be a Christian. He pretended to be a lover of Israel.  He pretended to have America’s interests at heart, but a tree is known by its fruit. A true Christian does not systematically undermine Christianity in the way Barack Obama has undermined it. A true Christian does not promote Islam and cast out Christianity. A true lover of Israel does not Neville Chamberlain her and undermine her time and again in the way Barack Obama has. A true lover of the United States does not mock the people of the United States who cling to their guns and religion. A true lover of the USA does not pick apart its strengths and dig out from under the foundation that it was built upon. Yes, the mighty United States of America is teetering dangerously off its great foundation, while Barack Obama shovels out another spade full of dirt from under it. A man this intelligent and bright knows what he is doing and it is unspeakably destructive. America wanted Barack Obama and Almighty God has let us have him.

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Godly Politics

imagesCheck out this very interesting passage in the Holy Bible. “The Spirit of the LORD spoke by me and His word was in my tongue. The God of Israel said, the Rock of Israel spoke to me: he that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God”. Notice the two mandatory qualifications Almighty God places on potential rulers. They must have a strong sense of right and wrong, and they must exercise their power in awe and respect of Him.

In the United States, rulers are chosen by the people; therefore, it is the duty of Americans to vote only for  just, God-fearing men. While you cannot expect the worldly crowd to do this, you would think that we would be able to count on professing Christians. Sadly this is not the case at all. Multitudes of professing Christians are more loyal to their political party than they are to the Almighty. The scriptures say that we are to love Almighty God with our whole heart, soul, mind and strength. In other words, we are to love Him with everything including our vote; however, when it comes to politics many Christians ignore the commandment. Excuses abound; such as, separation of church and state, but this is contrary to the Word of Almighty God. Regardless of what others say, we professing Christians have a duty to choose only a just and God-fearing sort.

Let us consider the last election cycle for a moment. The Obama administration had four years to establish its moral agenda before us all. The record showed that President Obama supports a “Sodom and Gomorrah” culture. The record showed that Obama supports taking from the hard working people and giving to the lazy. The record showed that Obama supports abortion on demand. The record shows that Obama is more of a Muslim sympathizer than a “lover of Israel”. The Obama administration’s record on morality is neither moral nor just. For those first four years, did Obama rule in the fear of Almighty God? From a Biblical and Christian perspective the answer is a resounding NO; therefore, Obama does not meet the Biblical qualifications for being a ruler. Even though the Obama administration ruled in open rebellion against the Great Creator, that did not keep hundreds of thousands of professing Christians from voting for him again. Shame on these professing Christians for speaking with forked tongue. The Holy Bible says, that whosoever will be a friend of worldliness is the enemy of Almighty God. It is little wonder that our country has turned its back on the Almighty. Millions of professing Christians, who are supposed to be salt and light to a lost world, can hardly be distinguished from the worldly crowd.

I want you to be careful to understand what I am saying here. Because the man who ran against Obama for the presidency was compromised on the issue of life, I did not vote for him either. I did go vote, because it is my duty as a Christian to do so; however, I cast my vote for Rick Santorum, because he is a just, God-fearing man. Some would say, that I threw away my vote. Listen carefully. It is more important to me that the Almighty see me voting for a just man who will rule in the fear of Almighty God. I will answer on the judgment day for my political choices. I would much rather be in good standing before the Creator, than before man.

So what is the solution here? People who profess Christ need to get on the same page. If Christians would get in unity and only support a just, God-fearing man, they would change the course of history. The Almighty honors those who honor Him, and He lightly esteems those who despise Him. The Creator honors the nation that honors Him, and lightly esteems the nations who despise Him. The problems in this country are directly related to our sinful behavior, and the greatest threat to our national security is our very own rebellion against Almighty God and against His word. We will reap disaster, if we do not turn from our wicked ways.


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