Category Archives: Careless Church

Careless Church

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Many pastors are in it for the money and are collecting massive lucrative salaries from the Church. Numerous pastors seem to be clueless as to the proper role of a shepherd. The spreading of the gospel often takes a back seat to buildings and salaries. A large percentage of churches prioritize the collection of tithes over more important matters of the Kingdom of God. The Church has gone soft on sin to the extent, that sometimes you can scarcely tell the difference between the Church and the world. To a large extent, the Church has become a worldly organization, with a righteous facade to hide its shame. Too often there is an absence of the anointing and power from on high.

The Church is not a building, a collections agency, a club, or an organization. It is the Body and Bride of Christ. The Body of Christ is made up of believers, that have separated themselves from worldliness, and are in the process of building a closer and closer relationship with the Father and the Son.

While we are commanded to assemble ourselves together with other believers, most of the biblical work of a Christian is done outside the walls of the Church building. We are to love our wives and husbands and children in our homes. We are to visit the fatherless and widows. We are to feed the hungry and give drink to the thirsty. We are to take a genuine interest in strangers. We are to clothe the naked. We are to visit the sick and in prison. We are to do justice and love mercy and walk humbly. We are to train our children in the ways of Almighty God. We are to love our fellow man.

Concerning our Church meetings, the Church building is a place to worship the Creator corporately with other believers. It is to encourage and be encouraged to continue to maintain our faith in Christ and to continue the work of the Kingdom of God. It is a place to give testimony to the goodness of the Creator. It is a place to hear preaching and teaching and a word from the Almighty.

Mark 11:17, “And He taught saying unto them: Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but you have made it a den of thieves.”

The word prayer here comes from a Greek word that implies “oratory chapel”. The Church building is a place for speaking words of prayer, worship, encouragement, admonition, Godly rebuke, teaching, preaching, testimony, etc. It is to  be filled with words that bring honor to Almighty God. When you leave Church; you should have a sense of having met with Almighty God and His people. You should have a sense of the eternal, and a determination to move forward in the cause of Christ and the Kingdom of Almighty God. You should sense an increase in zeal to live the life of Christ out in the world during the week.

While the Church is doing a little bit of these things; it needs to get back to being the Church. Churches are not supposed to spend their time trying to entertain people so that they will come back. The Church must be, and do, what the Almighty intended; or else, it is little more than a worldly organization that on the outside appears to be pious, but on the inside leaves much to be desired.

Wake up Church and be what you are supposed to be.

Ephesians 5:27, “That He might present it to Himself a glorious Church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that it should be holy and without blemish.”

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