Category Archives: Demons Control American Judges

Demons Control American Judges


Christianity is the #1 target of American judges. Read carefully this passage of scripture.

We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against wicked spirits in high places. Ephesians 6:12

Demons seek to control the places of power: the high places: the places of authority. Of course these demons have to find willing human partners in order to impose their Godless agendas on humanity. Demons gained enough control over justices on the U.S. Supreme Court in the 1960’s, to prohibit Christian prayers in the public schools. In the 70’s, these demons invented a non-existent Constitutional right to kill innocent unborn human infants in their mother’s wombs. In 2003 these demons were able to convince enough of the U.S. Supreme Court to allow Sodom and Gomorrah to thrive in the USA.

Enter next phase. Christians are being coerced to either sin against Almighty God or give up their Constitutional rights. Kim Davis, a Christian county clerk in Kentucky, was forced to either issue a marriage license to a homosexual couple or face punitive measures.

A Colorado baker was sued for refusing to bake a wedding cake for a homosexual couple. The State of Colorado says that the baker may not refuse to bake it for the homosexuals. The case is pending before the U.S. Supreme Court.

Lower courts sought to coerce the corporation of Hobby Lobby to provide birth control to its employees against their religious convictions. Hobby Lobby had to fight all the way to the Supreme Court to find relief.

The list of these types of cases is so long, that I cannot possibly mention them all here. The point is this: traditional Christian America is being assaulted from all directions. The powers that be, who are largely controlled by wicked spirits in high places, are seeking to coerce Christians to acquiesce to the demands of all sorts of evil. Our founding fathers would be shocked at the modern-day hostility against Christianity and Christians by our courts.

Satan and demons have taken over much of the U.S. judiciary, but know this: There is a higher court in heaven, that all humanity and spiritual beings will answer to. Every single judge will be judged by Almighty YaHVeH. Every unrepentant judge, who resists the laws of Almighty God, will be sentenced to eternal damnation.

All judges, who brought us legalized abortion-on-demand, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, unless they repent. All judges responsible for imposing homosexuality on America will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, unless they repent. All judges, who are removing Almighty YaHVeH’s foundations from America, will be thrown into the Lake of Fire, unless they repent. All judges, who pervert the real laws of Almighty YaHVeH, will be cast into the Lake of Fire, unless they repent.

Her judges are evening wolves. They gnaw not the bones till the morrow. Zephaniah 3:3

President Trump should protect whatever legitimate authority he has from the usurpation of lawless judges. Some of these judges are criminally interfering with the executive branch of government by arrogating power to themselves, that is not granted to them by the U.S. Constitution. President Trump should draw a line in the sand as it were, and create a Constitutional crises if necessary, in order to end their lawless usurpations.

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