Category Archives: Hamas Spoiling For War With Israel

Hamas Spoiling For War With Israel

Image result for images hamas leaders

And they will have it no other way.

Months of incendiary kites, massive rioting along the Israeli border every weekend, breaches of the security fence, more tunnel building, and more rockets fired into Israel are undeniable signs that Hamas is once again ready to test the balance of power.

They deny, that they want war with Israel, but actions speak louder than words. To the chagrin of the Palestinians, Israel continues to flourish like a rose in the desert and they must be stopped at all costs.

The single constant in this bizarre equation is Islamic hatred for anything Jewish and the preferred national Palestinian pastime is dreaming of killing Israel. All lies and false accusations are on the table.

If an Israeli dies, then it has been a good day in the minds of Palestinians. If no mayhem breaks forth in Israel, the Palestinians go into deep depression, for mayhem against Israel is what defines them.

Gaza still lies in ruins from the last war with Israel, but no matter; as long as, they can shed more Israeli blood. The hateful blood-lust fuels weird new ways to somehow exact a price from the Israelis, who must be stopped from going on their merry way through life.

Israel is compelled to go on the offensive. The conflict-loving Palestinians only understand a crushing iron fist that completely leaves them bleeding profusely on the battlefield with fear of losing more than they did last time. Then and only then, they rush to the world in desperation for an agreement to end the fighting, just like last time.

Oops. They failed to drive Israel into the sea again, as they boasted they would do. They slyly use the peace agreement to allow their wounds to heal and to restock their weapon stores. When they have whined enough to the gullible Europeans and others, they will agitate for the next conflict.

In the mean time, the strange Palestinians gloat at the outrage they have caused over the deaths of their own civilian women and children, that they were able to get killed in the conflict. They smile wickedly at how they were able draw Israeli fire into hospitals and homes and schools, where they had staged their military operations for that very purpose.

They spew their propaganda of how their crushing defeat is really a victory. Deep down they are severely embarrassed and confused by the size of their losses. They were so sure that the fallen angel Allah would give them victory this time. They rush back to the wallow where seething hatred slowly but surely works them into their next frenzy for war.

Why is the world so stupid as to believe these Islamic lies from the pit of hell?

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