Category Archives: Will Trump Recognize Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital

Will President Trump Recognize Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital?

Image result for images trump NetanyahuPresident-elect Donald Trump has promised, that he will recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Trump is not a man who is afraid of breaking norms; in fact, he delights in going against the grain.

Trump blasted the Republican Establishment over and over again. He did not run a normal presidential campaign. He has made it a point to show that he is not politically correct. He has been attacked viciously, because he has the courage to say true things, that many want to pretend are not true. He has been willing to defend Christianity in an increasingly anti-Christian environment. He has been willing to openly slam the media. He has been man-enough to point out the simple truth, that Islam needs to be checked at the door and put on hold until we can figure out what is going on.

I am not a huge Trump fan, but I believe he is just man-enough to do what previous presidents have been afraid to do; and that is, recognize the obvious. Anybody with good sense should know, that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. Jerusalem has been Israel’s capital ever since King David made it the capital approximately 1000 years before Yahshua Jesus the Messiah was born.

Could it be, that YaHVeH has raised Donald Trump up for the purpose of focusing the world’s attention on YaHVeH’s holy city Jerusalem? Could it be, that Trump will play a pivotal role in pushing back against the Islamic juggernaut, that has harrassed Israel relentlessly? Could it be, that Trump will be loved by the Jews, in that same way as was Cyrus King of Persia?

It is an intriguing thought. Hopefully Trump is a man that works to perform his words, and not one who merely gives lipservice. May Almighty God bless and help the new President of the United States to rule in a way that is pleasing to Him, amen.



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