Category Archives: Real Men Do Not Let Women Emasculate Them

Real Men Do Not Let Women Emasculate Them

Image result for images chivalryDo not read this post if you cannot handle the truth! Extreme feminism is a scourge on the USA. It is one of our top-five enemies and is still wreaking havoc far and wide. You can expect the secular world to wallow in the mire, but the Christian World should know better. Extreme feminism has become such a problem in the USA, that it has even infected the Christian Church. Preachers fearing a backlash from feminists, tickle women’s ears with half the truth, while being too frightened to share the rest of the truth.

Where did the notion of men being the leaders come from? Almighty God! In essence, extreme feminists accuse Almighty God of male-chauvinism, because He made men to be the head of the marriage and the family. Dare we open the pages of the Holy Bible to shed light on this subject? If we are REAL Christians, then we are obligated to search out the truth on all matters. In the very first three chapters of the Holy Bible, we begin to see the answer.

Genesis 2:18, “YaHVeH God said: it is not good that the man should be alone. I will make a help mate for him.”

Read all of chapter two. Almighty God made the man first. Because it was not good for Adam to be alone, the Creator opened Adam’s side, took out one of his ribs, and from Adam’s own body made Adam a mate to help Adam. Read it again and again. Eve was made from Adam for Adam. Woman’s earthly purpose is to be with man and to help man. Of course, a woman should love Almighty God above all; and yet, she was created for the purpose of being with man and to help man.

This does not mean, that women should not be able to make any choices for themselves. This does not mean, that women have no rights. This does not mean, that women are inferior. I am just stating for the record, what Almighty God requires of women.

Women are awesome creatures. They are equal in value to men. The role that Almighty God gave to women is absolutely necessary. The Creator gave women this role, because He wanted them to have it, and He does not want any man acting like a woman or becoming like a woman. Also, the woman is the weaker vessel, because the Almighty made them weaker. (First Peter 3:7) The reason you do not see women competing in weight-lifting competitions with men; is because, they would never ever win. The reason you don’t see women competing with men in the Olympic 100 yard dash; is because, they would never win. The reason you don’t see women playing in the NFL; is because, women would be easily injured or even killed in the normal gridiron war that takes place for 60 minutes. Women are physically incapable of competing with men in strength and speed.

Genesis 2:18 reveals, that the woman is the man’s helper mate. Titus 2:5 calls women “keepers at home”. First Timothy 2:12 says women are not to usurp the authority of the man. First Corinthians 11:10 says women ought to have authority on their heads. First Corinthians 11:9 tells us, that man was not made for the woman, but the woman was made for the man. Ephesians 5:24 teaches that wives are to be suject to their husbands in the way that the Church is subject to Christ. First Timothy 5:8  shows that husbands are supposed to provide for their wives and not the other way around. First Corinthians 11:3 shows that God is head of the man and that man is the head of the woman. First Corinthians 11:5 teaches, that if a woman prays or prophesies without her head covered (long hair or a covering First Corinthians 11:15), then she dishonors her husband (head v. 3). Ephesians 5:33 tells us, that a wife is to reverence her husband. First Peter 3:7 calls woman the weaker vessel. Genesis 3:16 teaches, that the man will rule over the woman.

The Holy Bible teaches much of what the man is supposed to do for the wife as well, but I am speaking of the liabilities of extreme feminism. Wives, usurping the role of their husband, causes sons to be wimpy. Continual arguments of equal-pay-for-women, the-pay-gap, the-gender-gap, equal-rights-for-women, women’s-rights-in-the-military, etc. TEND to keep American society in an upheaval; when in fact, these are basically feminist arguments that resist the natural order that Almighty God created for society (those who do not read carefully will miss the point). Career women TEND to take on the male role as provider and this TENDS to frustrate the natural order of things. Women working in a man’s world do not like men’s conversation and want to force men to accomodate feminism; when in fact, women have unnaturally invaded what was primarily made for men. The American military is being emasculated by women and homosexuals. The USA is full of female-chauvinists.

Traditional America to a large degree did not have all these problems, because it respected the natural order that Almighty God created. I am sure that I have readers that are reading this and are steaming mad at me. If you are a secular woman, then I expect that of you, but if you are a Christian woman, then you should not have a secular mindset. You should be conforming your mind to the things of Almighty God and the Holy Bible. If you want to work and do in a man’s world, then you should tread carefully there, for the Almighty has created His natural order of things. Of course you can do whatever you choose; however, we all answer to Him and we will be judged by His word. I have given you many verses in the Holy Bible to prove the point; read them for yourself objectively and not through feminist eyes.

What ever happened to chivalry and its courtesy to women? Why do so many women hate for men to open the door for them? Why do women burn their bras? Why do women resist being led by a man? Why do women want to seize control of the marriage, family, Church and government? Why do American women in general look condescendingly at housewives. I will tell you precisely the reason: it happened in the Garden of Eden, when Eve listened to the serpent and ate of the “Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”.

First Timothy 2:14, “And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”

I am not saying, that men do not have faults too, but I am saying, that extreme feminism is playing a key role in the demise of America and someone needs to have the guts to say it.

For the real women out there, who are truly living according to the Almighty’s standards: I salute you. You are resisting an almost overwhelming tide of extreme feminism that teaches women to be like men. I encourage parents to teach your sons to be real Godly men and teach your daughters to be real Biblical women. I encourage you to stand resolutely against the tide of feminism and instead walk in the ways of Almighty God. I encourage you to resist the juggernaut of liberal secular ideas, that are raging on every hand. It takes a real man and a real woman to stand for what is right, without compromising the truth. My mother is just such a lady. Happy mother’s day mom. I love you.

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