Category Archives: The Curse Of Europe

The Curse Of Europe

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The European Union has been very careless with Israel; nay, even outright hostile. It has befriended the Palestinians at the expense of Israel.

The European Union supports making part of Jerusalem the capital of a Palestinian nation, and it supports giving land from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh to the Palestinians as their country.

But Israel has done a great service for Almighty God and the whole world; namely, they brought in the promised Messiah, YaHshua Jesus Savior, through much suffering. This great Savior died on the cross for the sins of the whole world at Jerusalem. He rose from the dead, sealing the plan of salvation for all nations and peoples.

The Almighty blesses those who bless Israel, and He curses those who curse Israel. (Genesis 12:1-3) Anyone that mistreats Israel is virtually shaking their fist at the Almighty in spite of Him providing salvation and eternal life through YaHshua Jesus, the King of the Jews.

The land, that the European Union wants to give to the Palestinians, was given to Israel by Almighty God as an everlasting possession, as we have stated many times. Notice the word “everlasting”. (for all time) The Almighty took the land from the Kenites, Kennizites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaims, Amorites, Canaanites, Gergasites, and the Jebusites, because their perversity had come to the full.

It seems that Europe has been cursed. Consider how much of the European Union is overrun by Islamists. I can tell you this: For sure this is not a blessing. The Islamists hate YaHshua Jesus Messiah Savior. (read Koran 19:88-92) Islam is a religious and political system that is obligated to world domination.

The Islamists in Europe will not stop in their efforts to submit Europe to Islam by any means at their disposal. They will kill, rape, commit insurrection, commit treason, agitate, riot, conspire, terrorize, coerce, lie, make agreements with no intention of honoring said agreements, manipulate, etc.

Europe should immediately abandon the Palestinian cause, for Europe is actively found to be opposing Almighty God in this. Leave Israel’s land alone and seek Israel’s well-being if you wish to prosper in the long-term.

If the Palestinians will leave Israel alone; their situation will improve too. Much of their suffering is directly related to being the enemies of Israel. They too have brought a curse upon themselves because of it.




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