Tag Archives: Messiah

Almighty God Has Rights Too!

Four Common Misconceptions About the Bill of Rights | Psychology TodayAlmighty God has rights. He has the right to be revered. Why does He have this right? You don’t exist, and I don’t exist, except that He created us. You and I cannot survive through the day; except that, Almighty God sustains our lives with properly functioning lungs, hearts, brains etc.

OH YES! Do you really think life just goes on randomly? Impossible!

And can you believe it? The One Who created us also diligently pursues a relationship with us in hopes, that we will gratefully acknowledge Him. We owe Him everything, whether we like it, or not.

And get this: Almighty God expects even secular people to have a minimum morality and there are consequences for utterly refusing to do thus. We reap what we sow. We may not reap the consequences for a long time, but we will reap them nevertheless.

The Almighty personally wrote down some very basic expectations for mankind. It is His right to do this. It is His right to expect an orderly responsible response from those He created in His own image.

1.   It is foolish to ignore the Creator and give attention to inferior deities. He commands that we properly reverence Him.

2.   It is ridiculous to fashion a statue out of wood or brass or gold or anything else, and then bow down to it and serve it. Only the Creator is to be sought after.

3.   It is unacceptable to misuse the name of Almighty YaHVeH. He has revealed His name to us, because He wanted us to know Him personally and His name is holy.

4.   After Almighty God created man and all things over a period of 6 days; He rested for a day. He wants us to do like He does.

5.   The Almighty made the natural order of a man and a woman bearing children. As man does not exist without Almighty God and therefore owes Him so very much; so also,  children do not exist without their mother and father and therefore ought to honor them.

6.   As we are made in the image of Creator; so also, our fellow man is made in the image of Almighty God. It is totally unacceptable to murder another who is made in the image of Almighty God.

7.   The Almighty made a man and a woman for an exclusive relationship, and this relationship must not be violated by outsiders. It is the Almighty’s design.

8.   Our Creator gave mankind the personal right of property ownership and explicitly forbade stealing.

9.   The Almighty purposefully disallows any person to put forth a false discourse about another person. This is destructive and unacceptable.

10.   Almighty God commanded humans not to long for that which belongs to someone else.  God made a legitimate way for all of us to get good things for ourselves.

It is God’s right to keep mankind within certain boundaries, even after He gave them freedom of choice. When mankind crosses these boundaries; it is His right to do whatever He deems necessary to restore order. Whoever fights with Him over this deserves the discipline that is soon to follow.

Oh, so you think you have rights huh? Well Almighty God has rights too! And He has every right in the world to exercise those rights. The JUDGMENT DAY is coming. Do you KNOW Jesus Messiah? He is the only way to heaven and Almighty God had every right to make it that way.

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End Times: Three-fold Distress Of Nations

The Book of Luke 21:25 has this phrase in it: “Distress of Nations.” Across the world there is distress of nations, even as I write: #1 coronavirus,  #2  tremendous economic upheaval,  #3  Islamic terrorism.

Coronavirus has caused an unprecedented worldwide disruption to everyday life without a single shot being fired. Fear of a modern-day “Black Plague”, that could potentially kill millions of earthlings, is fueling desperate moves on Wall Street and Corporation Boulevard. Whole nations and states have been ordered to a standstill with martial-law-like decrees, in an attempt to hold back the tide of the rampant spreading of infectious disease.

The world is becoming more and more ripe for the emergence of an international “savior”: a type of “messiah” if you will. That very same world brazenly rebels against YaHshua Jesus, who is the authentic Savior sent from heaven by Almighty God. They don’t want anything to do with Him. They want a messiah who will accept their depraved lifestyles.

The Almighty acknowledges their hostility towards Him and will give them what they ask for: a false messiah. This false messiah will tell them everything, that they want to hear. He will pretend to be their friend, but there is unfettered evil in his heart. For a very short time; he will seem to have answers. But when it is too late, he will show his true colors. The world will succeed in pulling the whole house down upon themselves in a maniacal fulfilling of the inevitable outcome of a wicked people.

Gloriously and amazingly, a few of the world’s billions will remain true to the One-True-God YaHVeH. They will not soil their garments with the sins of the world, but will wash them white in the blood-of-the-Lamb-of-God. These will escape eternal damnation through YaHshua Jesus and will live and reign with Him. HalleleuYaH!

Revelation 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death.”

Watch for a new world-wide intrigue, that is on a par with the “global-warming” “save-the-planet” craze. It could easily take the shape of  “world-wide controlled healthcare” through the United Nations, or worse. It could likely come with a key loss of freedom for all the inhabitants of the earth, for the good-of-all of course.

Authored March 25, 2020 by Mickey McConnell



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Who Is “Me Whom They Have Pierced” In Zechariah 12:10 ?

The prophet Zechariah divinely composed a remarkable account regarding an extraordinary individual. We read about it starting in Zechariah 12:10.

God, the heavenly Father, is speaking through Zechariah, that He is going to pour out the spirit of favor and earnest prayer upon the family of David and the dwellers in Jerusalem.

The Almighty says through Zechariah, that they will look upon “Me Whom they pierced.” Did you get that? How is it possible to pierce the Almighty? Excellent question.

Jesus is the Son of God. He IS God. The children of Israel turned Jesus over to Pilate, to have Him crucified (pierced). He died willingly for their sins and for our sins. It was the heavenly Father’s plan from the beginning. He rose up from the dead on the third day.

As a result of looking upon “Me Whom they pierced; the family of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem are going to be grief-stricken: weeping and wailing. Their sorrow will be so intense, that it will be like losing a first-born son.

Remember, that the children of Israel have rejected Jesus for some 2000 years, and Zechariah is prophesying about a time in the future, when they will recognize YaHshua Jesus as Messiah.

If we continue reading onward in Zechariah 13:1; it is revealed to us, that in that day a fountain will be opened to the family of David and the dwellers of Jerusalem. This fountain will be for sin and uncleanness.

Jesus IS that fountain for sin and uncleanness, and there He will stand before them. In Zechariah 13:6, one will ask Him about the wounds in His hands.

Jesus replies, “Those with which I was wounded in the house of My friends.”

Almighty God has used the children of Israel to bring Jesus Messiah into the world, and He has not forgotten them. Even though they rejected Him at the first; they will recognize Him and embrace Him in the end.

YaHshua Jesus is “Me Whom they pierced.”

February 23, 2020     by Mickey McConnell

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Islamic Zealots Of Iran Will Not Change! And Here Is Why

The BOHAS inspires them (Book of Hate and Slaughter [Koran]). The ayatollahs of Iran have a central belief of “the return of the Mahdi”, or in other words, “the twelfth imam”. He is a type of Islamic messiah. Allegedly, this Mahdi will rule the whole earth politically and spiritually, at the end of the world, before judgment day. He is possibly the anti-Christ.

The Islamists are prepared to kill, and I mean KILL, anyone who gets in the way. This belief concerning “the Mahdi” is not a lesser belief. It is central to Shiite Islam. I will repeat; It is CENTRAL to Shiite Islam.

In the very same way, that American liberals are determined to infect America with socialism/communism, globalism and immorality; so also, the Islamic zealots are determined to politically subjugate the world to Islam. THEY BELIEVE THIS IS WHAT THEIR ISLAMIC GOD WANTS, and the ayatollahs have left an incredibly bloody trail of death and destruction in their wake. It is their mission in life.

Would you cut off your right arm? Neither will the ayatollahs give up on their Islamic mission. They are sold out to this ideology at all costs. When they say they want Israel gone; they mean it! and they are busy trying to make that a reality by producing a nuclear bomb.

They are patient. They are determined. They are committed. They will purposefully lie to your face, if they think it will help their cause. They will KILL a family member, if they convert to another religion. They learn other nation’s laws for the express purpose of using those laws to conquer that nation. They are cunning in a bad way. They are shrewd in a bad way. They will feign friendship and kindness with their host nation and then suddenly stab it in the back without blinking an eye. They are cold and calculating. Never never ever trust your back to them!

Galatians 5:9, “A little leaven leaventh the whole lump.”

First Kings 11:2, “Of the nations concerning which the LORD said unto the children of Israel: You shall not go in unto them, neither shall they come in unto you, for surely they will turn away your heart after their gods. Solomon clung unto these in love.”

January 12, 2020  by Mickey McConnell


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The Jews Will Recognize Jesus As Messiah

The most famous Jew of all time, Jesus of Nazareth, is generally rejected by the Jews as the Messiah; however, thousands of Jews have accepted Him as the promised Messiah.

But get this: Jesus the Messiah will one day be recognized by Jews in general. Read about it in this amazing prophecy:

Zechariah 12:10, “And I will pour upon the house of David and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of supplications, and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son and shall be in bitterness for Him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.

Read also this fantastic prophecy concerning Jesus:

Zechariah 13:6, “And one shall say unto Him: What are these wounds in your hands? Then He shall answer: Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.

Because the Almighty loves all of mankind, and not just the Jews, He made a way for the gentiles as well. Christianity has spread to the ends of the earth and is the largest religion in the world. But the Jews will return to Almighty God through Messiah.

At that time the Jews will even see the nail-scars in His hands. They will also likely see the nail-scars in His feet and in His side, where the Roman spear pierced Him and blood and water ran out. They will mourn greatly for the One they had previously rejected.

The Holy Bible, including the Jewish Bible (i.e. the Tanakh, put forth some 60 major prophecies concerning the coming of Messiah. #1 born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2  #2 born of a virgin and called “God with us”  #3 this Messiah would be sacrificed by Almighty God for our sins Isaiah 53  #4 the gentiles would seek after Him, etc.

Almighty God is not done with Israel, and that is why President Trump’s huge gifts to Israel are fascinating to watch, as Holy Bible prophecy continues to be fulfilled. The world can deny and poo poo all they want, but Almighty God’s purposes will be completed in spite of puny mankind.


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Almighty God, President Trump & Israel

Image result for images Trump and IsraelYou can love President Trump or you can hate him, but considerable evidence suggests, that the Almighty raised up Trump to fulfill prophecy.

Remember the bold words of former presidents, who declared that they would move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, then timidly failed to follow through. Enter Trump, who boldly moved our embassy, in spite of multitudes of warnings of catastrophe if he did so. Where is the catastrophe? Almighty God blesses them, who do boldly for Him.

President Trump boldly signed United States recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, while other world leaders suck-up-to murderous Islam for fear.

President Trump is the only SITTING president to have visited the Western Wall. Too many others were apparently afraid of offending Islam.

Scores of fainthearted leaders around the world are too afraid to even venture where President Trump frolics cheerfully. The contrast is so great, that it suggests the hand-of-God.

According to Almighty God’s own personal timetable, prophecy after prophecy in the Holy Bible is being fulfilled in sudden unexplainable ways. What many foolish souls have characterized as “impossible” has come to pass overnight, after thousands of years.

What will the Almighty use President Trump to accomplish in the future? Very exciting question. Will he help them with building their temple? Will he exercise his power as President of the United States to recognize the West Bank as being a part of Israel? Only Almighty God knows the answers to these and He will have His way in spite of the naysayers.

Israel will build their temple again, the false-Christ will rule the whole world for a very few short years, the true Messiah YaHshua Jesus will return to earth for His faithful ones, the judgment day will take place, and those who have put their trust in Christ will will live with Him forever. Of this you can be sure.

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New Russian S-300 Missiles In Syria Will Not Stop Israeli Air Force

Image result for images Israel air force attacking Iran

Recently Russia blamed Israel for the shooting down of their military plane in Syria.

For many months Israel has been monitoring the Iranians in Syria, and destroying Iranian weaponry intended for Israel. Iran gained access to Syria by assisting the Syrian government in defeating rebel forces in a years-long civil war, but then exploited the situation to pursue their goal of destroying Israel.

On September 18th, Israeli warplanes again targeted Iranian assets in Syria, that were intended for Israel. The Syrians fired indiscriminately into the air in an attempt to repel Israel’s warplanes, but accidentally shot down a Russian military Plane, killing 15 Russians who were on board.,

Russia blamed Israel for the downing of its plane, and has responded by sending Russian S-300 surface-to-air missile defense systems to Syria. I personally like Russian leader Vladimir Putin, but he has chosen the wrong countries to pal around with. Syria, Iran and Turkey are enemies of Israel.

You must remember, that Almighty God chose Israel to bring  Messiah YaHshua Jesus into the world to save people from their sins; therefore, Israel is very special to Him. To mess with Israel is to mess with Almighty God and whoever does this is not choosing wisely.

The installation of Russian S-300 missile defense in Syrian, will most likely embolden Iran to increase their activities against Israel from Syria. Hide and watch! The S-300 missiles in Syria will not stop Israel, because the Almighty helps Israel. If Russia sends its advanced S-400 systems to Syria, those will not stop Israel either, because Almighty God helps Israel.

You see, Almighty YaHVeH, God of Israel, is unstoppable. Israel will never be annihilated by Hitler, the Islamists, the Russians, Haman, or anyone else. Watch for Russia to become nervous, when Israel evades and/or destroys the Russian S-300 system on the way to stopping Iran’s advances in Syria.

Mr. Putin, you need to be very careful how you handle Israel, for it is Almighty God that defends Israel.

Zechariah 2:8, “. . . he that touches you touches the apple of His eye.”

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The Curse Of Europe

Image result for images islamic violence europe

The European Union has been very careless with Israel; nay, even outright hostile. It has befriended the Palestinians at the expense of Israel.

The European Union supports making part of Jerusalem the capital of a Palestinian nation, and it supports giving land from the tribes of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and Manasseh to the Palestinians as their country.

But Israel has done a great service for Almighty God and the whole world; namely, they brought in the promised Messiah, YaHshua Jesus Savior, through much suffering. This great Savior died on the cross for the sins of the whole world at Jerusalem. He rose from the dead, sealing the plan of salvation for all nations and peoples.

The Almighty blesses those who bless Israel, and He curses those who curse Israel. (Genesis 12:1-3) Anyone that mistreats Israel is virtually shaking their fist at the Almighty in spite of Him providing salvation and eternal life through YaHshua Jesus, the King of the Jews.

The land, that the European Union wants to give to the Palestinians, was given to Israel by Almighty God as an everlasting possession, as we have stated many times. Notice the word “everlasting”. (for all time) The Almighty took the land from the Kenites, Kennizites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaims, Amorites, Canaanites, Gergasites, and the Jebusites, because their perversity had come to the full.

It seems that Europe has been cursed. Consider how much of the European Union is overrun by Islamists. I can tell you this: For sure this is not a blessing. The Islamists hate YaHshua Jesus Messiah Savior. (read Koran 19:88-92) Islam is a religious and political system that is obligated to world domination.

The Islamists in Europe will not stop in their efforts to submit Europe to Islam by any means at their disposal. They will kill, rape, commit insurrection, commit treason, agitate, riot, conspire, terrorize, coerce, lie, make agreements with no intention of honoring said agreements, manipulate, etc.

Europe should immediately abandon the Palestinian cause, for Europe is actively found to be opposing Almighty God in this. Leave Israel’s land alone and seek Israel’s well-being if you wish to prosper in the long-term.

If the Palestinians will leave Israel alone; their situation will improve too. Much of their suffering is directly related to being the enemies of Israel. They too have brought a curse upon themselves because of it.




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World Rulers Hate Christ

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World rulers are determined to tear off every restraint and throw these restraints away.

Let me clarify: not every ruler hates Christ, but the vast majority do. Lawlessness is in the heart of rulers, generally speaking. When the rulers are Godly; the nation tends to be more Godly. When the rulers are evil, then the nation tends to be more evil. Here is proof.

Psalms 2:1- 3, “Why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against YaHVeH and against His anointed saying: Let us break their bands asunder, and cast their cords away from us.”

Mankind is fallen and desperately in need of a makeover. Millions upon millions of people have allowed themselves to be deceived about eternity. Millions are living their lives like there is no tomorrow.

My fellow Christian, many of our lamps are flickering for lack of oil. The god of this world has filled our lives with distractions and compromise. Many are building their lives on sinking sand instead of the Solid Rock.

The wolves are circling the sheep and steadily cutting careless ones out of the flock to be devoured. We must shed our sin stained garments and wash them white in the precious Blood of the Lamb.

“Take heed brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God”. Hebrews 3:12

Almighty God looks at the heart. Are you keeping your heart right before Him, or are you allowing your garments to be once again stained with sin?

Wake up My beloved and be vigilant, for I will return at an hour that you think not.


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The Jewish Prophet Jesus

Is Jesus Christ a God or Prophet?

YaHshua Jesus prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem, as is recorded in Luke 19:41-44. Just 37 years after that, the Roman general Titus destroyed Jerusalem in 70 A.D. Josephus the Jewish historian wrote much about it.

YaHshua Jesus prophesied, that He would be betrayed unto the chief priests and scribes, and that they would condemn Him to death, and that they would deliver Him to the Gentiles to mock and to scourge and to crucify. He prophesied, that He would rise again on the third day. These are recorded in the “Book of Matthew” the Hebrew. Josephus the Jewish historian also wrote about these events.

These prophesies have already been fulfilled to the letter.

In Matthew 26:64, YaHshua Jesus admits, that He is the Messiah, the Son of God, and prophesied that they would after see Him sitting on the right hand of power and coming in the clouds of heaven.

YaHshua Jesus also prophesied concerning end times as is recorded in Matthew chapter 24, Mark chapter 13, and Luke chapter 21. He prophesied, that the “good message of the kingdom” would be preached in all the world as a witness. For the last almost 2000 years, the good news of His kingdom has been going out all over the earth. There are not many tribes and nations remaining, that have not heard. So this prophesy is getting close to being fulfilled.

YaHshua Jesus also prophesied, that a false messiah would rise up claiming to be the Messiah, and would show great signs and wonders that would deceive almost everyone.

YaHshua Jesus prophesied, that the sun would be darkened, the moon would not give its light, the stars would fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens would be shaken, and that then He would return for His chosen ones.

The first prophesies came about so exactly as He prophesied, that there is no reason to doubt, that the end-time prophesies will also be fulfilled exactly as He said.

I say, “So let it be!” Let us be wise and get our houses in order. Let us accept His invitation to have a personal relationship with Him; so that, we will not be ashamed on the day of His return.



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