Category Archives: Call Them Babblelonians

Call Them Babblelonians

Image result for images alexandria ocasio-cortez

Leftists babble on and on for an hour maybe two, and then you think to yourself: I know even less now than I did before they opened their mouth. I do hereby dub them:  the Babblelonians. Know this, that Babblelonia is a place of confusion.

The reason that they don’t make any sense; is because, they have risen up against the great Creator. They hate Christianity and Christianity’s God. They want to completely unravel Christian America. They have a heart of lawlessness.

Almighty God commanded, “You shall do no murder”; therefore, with a hard heart and a stiff neck, they are determined to kill even after birth. I could make numerous examples here of their open rebellion of lawlessness. They call evil good and good evil.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez babbles on about the Green Deal and many other equally foolish things; as if, she has a grand solution. After you listen to her, you are very confused as to why anyone in their right mind would even consider a vote for her. Babblelonians are like that.

Ilhan Omar babbles on and on against Israel and for Islam, and one has to wonder: What kind of hellish mindset would indulge her the second time? Foolish nation.

By the way, the great Laurie Cardoza-Moore, president of “Proclaiming Justice to the nations” has gathered ten thousands of signatures on a petition seeking to have Ilhan Omar removed from congress for aiding and abetting the enemies of the United States. At least we still have a few great people that still love America.

Nancy-smancy Pelosi, Chucky-poo Schumer, Barrack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Dick Durbin, Steny Hoyer, et al babble on and on about nothing-of-substance in general, because they are some of the chief Babblelonians. They even give lip-service to Almighty God, which only adds to the confusion, because their agenda is anti-Christ.

The Babblelonians are contagious, and they are infecting America. Beware, lest it get on you too, and the end thereof be eternal damnation.

Galatians 5:9, “A little yeast leaveneth the whole lump of dough.”

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