Tag Archives: abortion

God Is Not Mocked!

The whole world has been shaking its fist in the face of Almighty God for decades. No one treats the Almighty with contempt and gets away with it: no one! He will not be mocked.

Galatians 6:7, “Be not deceived; God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap.”

The Creator Himself built this law into the universe and it has remained unshakable for thousands of years.

America has slaughtered over 60 million innocent unborn human infants since 1973, and it has blood on its hands. America has given itself over to sexual immorality: adultery, homosexuality, bisexuality, pedophilia, fornication and just about any kind of perverse sex you can imagine. America has made the Almighty jealous with Islam, Buddhism, nature worship, devil worship, etc. Almighty God will not be mocked. America has sown wickedly and we are reaping Coronavirus. We can argue all day long about what Almighty God should, or should not do, but God is not mocked! What we do comes back to us, and that is never going to change.

China aborts untold millions of innocent unborn human infants. It is also ruled by communist atheists and has persecuted Christians mercilessly. China has sown wickedly and now it is reaping Coronavirus. God will not be mocked!

Iran threatened to destroy Israel and is a persecutor Christians. Iran has sown wickedly in defiance of the Almighty, and it is reaping Coronavirus. Don’t be deceived; God is not mocked!

The nations of the earth have treated the Almighty with great contempt, but He will not be mocked! He is holy and He has made a way for us to be holy, and if we refuse, then our evil will return upon our own heads. The wise will humble themselves before the Almighty and the foolish harden their hearts to their own destruction.

Repent world, while yet you may. Almighty God stands ready and willing to forgive and heal, but He will not be mocked!

Acts 2:21, “And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”

I am sure that there will be those who will mock what I have written. Take note of such a person, for this is exactly what I am talking about. People do not want to hear the truth.



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53 Times More Abortions In USA Than Terror Victims Worldwide

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From 2006- 2017, worldwide deaths by terrorism amounted to 235,769. That is 12 whole years of terrorism worldwide! Abortions in the USA from 2006-2017 amounted to 12,556,840. That is 12 whole years of abortion in the USA.

Look at the numbers again. There were over 53 times more abortions in the USA during those years, than people killed by terrorism in the whole world during the same amount of time!

In 2006 there were 60 times more innocent human babies aborted in the USA, than victims of terrorism in the whole world for 2006. In 2007 the ration was 53 to 1. In 2008 it was 77 to 1. In 2009 it was 75 to 1. In 2010 it was 83 to 1. In 2011 it was 84 to 1. In 2012 it was 91 to 1. In 2013 it was 53 to 1. In 2014 it was 28 to 1. In 2015 it was 31 to 1. In 2016 it was 34 to 1. In 2017 there were 46 times more innocent human babies aborted in the USA, than victims of terrorism in the whole world for 2017.

So you can clearly see, that even though terrorism is a horrific problem in the USA, the slaughter of innocent human infants is on par with that of the holocaust! Since 1973, the USA has slaughtered a population equal to that of the present population of Italy!

Beyond any shadow of a doubt, abortion in the USA is a far, far, far greater problem than terrorism. The priority of politicians as-a-whole in the USA is remarkably devoid of wisdom.

Proverbs 1:7, “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

First John 1:9, “If we confess our sins; He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

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The Truth Behind The Mask

The lie of “a woman can do what she wants with her own body” is now openly manifested in the words of Virginia’s Governor Northam. Governor Northam nonchalantly spoke approvingly of giving birth to a baby, then making the baby comfortable, and then the mother and her doctor discussing whether or not to let the baby continue to live.

This was the Democrat lie-from-hell before, and the Democrat Party is now unmasked. It is corrupted through and through, and standing there naked with no where to hide.

This is right on the heels of democrat Governor Cuomo Et al. passing into law virtually the same iniquitous concept for the state of New York, which legalizes abortion in New York all the way up to the time of birth for just about any reason,

This goes right along with the new Democrat majority in the U.S. House of Representatives talking about removing the phrase “so help you God” from the oath that witnesses take before one of the House panels.

I want to say to all my brothers and sisters-in-Christ who vote with the Democrat Party. I am not suggesting that you vote republican ever: that is totally up to you. I myself am an independent. It is because of you, that America is sick. It is because of you, that we have aborted the bodies of over 60 million innocent human infants. It is because of you, that America is the new Sodom and Gomorrah. It is because of you, that Islam is agitating and making serious progress in overtaking our republic. It is because of you aiding-and-abetting evil men and women in the government, that the United States is teetering upon the edge of disaster and judgment. I implore you to repent while there is still time, for these works and more are a stench in the nostrils of Almighty God. I too have had to repent of evil before.

Christ Himself called the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for omitting the weightier-parts-of-the-law and making a big deal out of lesser important matters. Matthew 23:23

The Democrat Party has become like unto “Babylon the Great” in the Book of Revelation.

Revelation 18:4, “And I heard another voice from heaven saying: Come out of her my people, that you be not partakers of her sins and that you not receive of her plagues.”


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Kirsten Gillibrand’s Dark Side

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand is talking about her Catholic faith and spirituality and President Trump’s darkness? and announcing her desire to run for president? whaaaaa huh?

A Google search revealed that Kirsten is a physically beautiful woman with a really pretty smile that is involved in a congressional bipartisan Bible Study.

Then I read that she is involved up to her ears in the extermination of unwanted innocent unborn human infants, aka abortion. Genocide?

Then I read that she stands with the people of Sodom and Gomorrah: the ones Almighty God destroyed with fire and brimstone from heaven for the abomination of homosexuality.

Kirsten Gillibrand is not qualified to speak about President Trump having a dark side. It is called “speaking with forked tongue”.

All of us have sinned and have a fallen nature (a dark side), but we must confess our sins to Almighty God, and turn-from our wicked ways. If we will do this, then we will be forgiven and receive the Almighty’s favor.

Kirsten, please renounce these evil things before Almighty God and turn to Him with all your heart.

First John 1:9, “If we confess our sins; He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

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Christians Must Not Support National Democrat Candidates! And Here Is Why

Image result for images Barack Obama and Bill and Hillary ClintonIt is election time again in the United States.

Our children, grandchildren, family and friends will suffer the consequences of foolish voting. When we vote for candidates that support evils such as abortion and homosexuality and Islam; we are remaking our culture into something extremely unChristian, and don’t think it will not get on your loved ones.

I cannot overstate the importance. I am NOT saying, that you need to go vote “republican”. That is for you to decide. But because the Democrat Party has blatantly taken a position with Satan on these important issues, you must not support national democrat candidates.

Notice I said national. What I mean by this is: any elected office, that affects policy concerning these deep moral issues, must not be filled with a “democrat”, because their very platform has taken a position against the great Creator. It is virtually impossible to say, that someone who supports the democrat platform is a Christian. James 4:4

It is better not to vote at all, than to vote with the enemies of Almighty YaHVeH.

Now listen carefully: if you claim to be a Christian and you vote with the national democrats, do not blame anyone but yourself, if your son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter become a homosexual or party to abortion. We as parents are a type of umbrella protection for our children and we can open them up to attacks by Satan.

The United States is being overrun by liberal anti-Christ dogma in the name of progress. I can almost hear someone say, “Mickey, don’t tell me how to vote! And don’t tell me I am not a Christian, if I want to support the democrats! I have the right to vote however I choose!”

That is true; you do have that right. And Almighty God has the right to call you His enemy, if you choose to work with His enemies. James 4:4. The United States is in steep moral decline, because professing Christians are helping the sons and daughters of Satan to destroy its foundations. You have been warned, because I care enough about you and your family to warn you.

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NY Gov Cuomo: America Never Was That Great?

Image result for images andrew cuomoNew York Governor Andrew Cuomo made this statement this week: “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great.”

What the hacklejaw?

America defeated the British superpower in 1781, gaining independence from them. America defeated the Spanish empire in 1898, gaining the Philippines, Guam and Puerto Rico. Governor Cuomo, don’t you think it was pretty great of America to defeat two world empires?

Governor Cuomo, do you not see greatness in the American Declaration of Independence and the creation of the U.S. Constitution? Don’t you see how great America became by founding itself upon Judeo-Christian principles?

America played the decisive role of victory in World War I and in World War II. Governor Cuomo, surely you can see the greatness of America in this.

What about America fighting the Civil War and granting liberty to a whole race of people? namely the black people? Is it not a great thing, that Americans would right this wrong?

What about the Americans Orville and Wilbur Wright inventing the airplane? What about American Henry Ford inventing a car with the internal combustion engine? What about the great American inventor Thomas Edison? What about Alexander Graham Bell and the telephone, Eli Whitney and mass production and Andrew Carnegie and the steel industry? What about Cornelius Vanderbilt’s railroad and shipping enterprises and John D. Rockefeller’s oil empire? Governor Cuomo, do you not see American greatness there?

Governor Cuomo, do you not see greatness in America being the first nation to land on the moon? Do you not see American ingenuity in thousands of innovations and patents?

Americans have spread the gospel of YaHshua Jesus to the ends of the earth, but I am pretty sure you don’t see any greatness there Governor Cuomo.

What a sad commentary! Governor Cuomo apparently believes that greatness comes to a nation by imitating Sodom and Gomorrah. And apparently he sees greatness in granting women the right to kill their innocent unborn human infants. Apparently he believes that opening America’s doors wide for Islamic conquest to overrun our culture with terrorism, violence and mayhem is a great thing? He seems to believe, that plundering the hard workers and giving it to the slothful is a sign of greatness?

Governor Cuomo apparently believes, that globalism is greater than loving our American nation.

Governor Cuomo, I can tell that you are a whole lot like Barack Obama, who really did not love America at all.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. Psalms 33:12

Hello to my friends in Hong Kong.


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Media Hyper-Angry President Trump Wont Lay Down And Surrender

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President Trump smashes the right eye of the news media as he ducks out of the way of a vicious roundhouse right. After side-stepping another hay-maker, the President sinks a mean uppercut deep into the gut. The news media gasps for air, staggering backwards off balance.

As blood trickles from both nostrils, the media frantically plots their next move to destroy the chief executive, and they deserve the thrashing they are receiving at the hands of the President.

Anyone that has any objectivity at all, knows that the News Media hates President Trump. They are not used to taking their own medicine and it has a vile taste indeed.

The power of the press is tremendous. They are used to making or breaking people. They are used to maligning God-fearing people and tearing down every decent thing this country used to stand for. They cleverly destroy, while feigning sweetness.

If the news media were not who they are; I would almost feel sorry for them, but they deserve what they are receiving at the hands of the President.

The news media acts like they are righteous defenders of the helpless, and they used to be just that, but they have become a pack of wolves ravening their prey. They have become the right arm of communistic thought. They rejoice in Sodom and Gomorrah.

They have become the defender of the enemies of America. They defend the unjust cause of the Palestinians. They encourage the USA-hating Islamists to immigrate to our country by the millions. They defend the selfishness and barbarity of aborting innocent unborn human infants.

They are guilty of encouraging the redistribution of America’s hard earned wealth among the slothful. They seek to integrate America into the global one-world system, thereby bringing an end to our independence.

The American news media has had their way for so long, that they are shocked at being taken down a notch or two. How dare the President not agree with them, that he is a stupid idiot incapable of leading?

As Melania Trump once said, “Donald will punch back twice as hard.”

If the news media does not like being clobbered, then I advise them to stand down and have a little respect for the leader of our nation. Stop all the hyper-ventilating against America’s duly elected president.

If they want to be treated respectfully, then they need to learn courtesy and respect themselves. I don’t blame the President for punching them back in the mouth figuratively speaking.

In case the news media has not figured it out, about 1/2 of America is thrilled that they finally have someone on their side that can duke-it-out with the best of them.

1/2 of America cheers every time the president lands a blow on these rattlesnakes that hate America.

Mr. President, I commend you for loving America. It is written all over you. You indeed are trying to make America great again. Thank-you for that. And thank-you for standing side by side with Israel.

I counsel you to call America to repentance and to return to its Judeo-Christian roots: to the God we served and worshiped in our infancy. You have proven that you have the guts to resist the tear-America-down crowd.

Show America that you have humbled yourself before Almighty God and lead us back into the right path. Please be vocal about it and in a good way. This is the real source of America’s greatness sir. May Almighty God bless and keep you and your family safe.

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John Sununu Undermines America

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America is at a huge crossroads because of sin and John Sununu just took a public stand on the wrong side. In a public interview with Newsmax TV, John Sununu took a very foolish position that in essence aids-and-abets abortion rights.

John Sununu said, that President Trump should not burden his Supreme Court nominee with the issue of abortion. He said, the court had crucial issues to address and mentioned trade, immigration and other issues.

John Sununu, Chief of Staff for President H. W. Bush, played a part in getting Judge David Souter appointed to the Supreme Court, and Souter turned out to be another moral disaster for the United States of America.

Dear John Sununu, “Abortion is supremely more important than trade and immigration by a factor of 1000. What in this country is more crucial than protecting innocent life? An intelligent man such as yourself should know better than that. I believe you have some good things in you, but please: America will continue its steep decline morally if we keep taking this kind of advice. Shame on you! You need to repent of such a compromising position and repair your principles. All of us have sinned, including myself. If and when any of us find ourselves in sin; we should repent and get back on the “straight and narrow”.

James 4:4, “You adulterers and adultresses, know you not, that the friendship of the world is hostility against God? therefore, whosoever will be a friend of the world, is the enemy of God.”

Adulterers and adultresses here is referring to people who should be faithful to Almighty God, but are having an affair with the world.

First John 1:9, “If we confess our sins; He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”


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Immigrant Children Expose Democrat Hearts

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Let us examine more closely the recent controversy, of immigrant children and their parents being separated by the government, after crossing the border into the United States.

What is at issue, is that this is inhumane, they say. But there are other examples in the United States of children being separated from a parent or parents by the government and others.

#1  The Democrat party argues, that a child not yet born is not a real human being; therefore, you can kill it and remove it from the womb, as if it were an unwanted cancer. That is far far worse, than what is happening to immigrant children, but the Democrat Party does not flinch at the idea of separating unborn children from their parents via abortion. Democrats don’t seem to mind, that the unborn child experiences excrutiating pain. Think about that honestly for a while. The Democrat Party is trafficking a blatant contradiction. They want to appear compassionate; but obviously, they are as bad as brute beasts and it is only a charade. The Democrat Party is vastly inhumane without even considering immigration.

#2  Divorce is extremely common in the United States. When children are involved, the government forcefully removes the child from one of its parents via court order. If the child is not a teenager, it will most likely have no say in the process. Many many times the government puts the child with the wrong parent, and the child’s life is miserable as a result. Someone I know very well was denied custody of his children; and instead, the government gave them to the mother, who later was found to be doing meth and drinking heavily. There were very unsavory people hanging out at the house. The children desperately needed to be with the father and suffered greatly in that situation. Tens of thousands of children in the USA suffer this type of thing. The Democrat Party is not family-friendly in many ways, so it is disingenuous to pretend to have the moral high ground here.

#3  The Obama administration did similar things concerning immigration, but the Democrat Party was okay with it then. The reason they are up in arms now, is not because of compassion for those children, or they would have also been up in arms during the Obama administration. Double standard!

#4  If a social worker decides, that parents are not treating their children properly, then they can take the children from their parents. This can include, for spanking your child. Do a little research on the internet and you will find what I am saying is true. While there are cases, where removing children from parents is a good thing, there are too many examples of how this is abused. In too many instances, the child does not want to be removed from the parent.  The Democrat Party is notorious for their love of socialized anything.  Much of this socialized stuff is in direct contradiction of what the Holy Bible teaches.

Proverbs 13:24, “He that spares his rod hates his son, but he that loves him chastens him quickly.

It is okay to oppose the separation of immigrant children from their parents, but it would be nice to see a little consistency, instead of glaring contradictions.



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Senator Dick Durbin Morally Compromised

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Senator Dick Durbin, Democrat from Illinois, is completely unqualified to take anyone to task morally. Just this past week Senator Durbin worked overtime undermining the President of the United States. Durbin made a moral issue out of Trump’s alleged use of the term “shithole countries.

Only the truth can make us free.

Stop and think. Dick Durbin apparently stands firmly with the Democrat Party and a handful of Republicans in their support of killing millions of unborn human infants by means of abortion. This killing of human infants is a very grave matter and incredibly immoral. Why would Senator Durbin pretend to stand on the side of morality?

But stop and think. Dick Durbin apparently stands firmly with the Democrat Party and some Republicans in advancing the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah in America; namely, homosexuality. Homosexuality is so immoral, that Almighty God rained down fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, after those cities brazenly crossed the line of no return. Why would Senator Durbin uphold such unrighteousness, and then feel like he could point the finger at anyone else about anything?

But stop and think. Dick Durbin apparently supports allowing America to be overrun with Islam. Almighty YaHVeH is a jealous God and hates the advancement of other gods in any nation. Senator Durbin can claim, that this is constitutional, but that argument will not wash on the Judgment Day. Islam is incredibly destructive to humanity. Why would Senator Durbin open the gates of the USA to such ungodliness, and then feign to instruct others oconcerning righteousness?

THEREFORE, Senator Dick Durbin needs to sit down and shut up concerning morality, until he goes and learns what that even means.  One amazingly good thing about Almighty YaHVeH, is that he will forgive Senator Durbin of these evil things, if he will only confess them to Almighty God and turn away from them. At this point in time Senator Dick Durbin cannot be trusted to promote the well-being of the United States of America. Wake up Illinois and choose more wisely your leaders.

He that rules over men must be just, ruling in the fear of Almighty God. Second Samuel 23:3

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