Tag Archives: greed

World Utopia Impossible & Here’s Why

Related imageWe live in a fallen world & it will always be fallen; therefore, utopia is impossible here. Yes, you heard me right; it is impossible! Mankind’s heart is hopelessly inclined to rebellion.

For the present age we live in, there will never be “no crime”. There will never be “no sickness”. There will always be poor people. There will always be wars and rumors of wars. There will always be haters of Jews and Christians.

There will always be selfishness in all of its forms. There will always be greed and there will always be covetousness. There will always be jealousy and envy. There will always be hate and murder. There will always be promiscuity. There will always be a lust for power, a lust for forbidden sex, and a lust for money.

Every single human being is born with this fallen nature and carries it with them everyday for the whole of their lives.

“The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

All this evil comes straight out of the heart. Unless there is a genuine heart change, then the human being remains unchanged. Mankind is not capable of changing his own fallen heart. Happily, there is a remedy.

There was One and only One, who was born without this sin nature. YaHshua Jesus did not receive man’s fallen nature, because he had no earthly father. Being a perfect sinless man qualified Him to be a perfect sacrifice for the sins of mankind. He shed His own life’s blood on the cross as payment in full for your sins and for my sins.

Whoever receives this free gift of “pardon for sins” is given a new heart. Did you get that? They are given a brand new heart. Even though their flesh remains fallen and must be constantly submitted, the new heart inside is clean and capable of righteousness through Christ.

The people who refuse this free gift are incapable of building a utopia. They want to control, take from, use, and abuse other humans for their own selfish ends. Their hearts are hopelessly so inclined, because they refuse to receive Almighty God’s generous offer.

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The Crooked Way

We will have all manner of pleasure, so come and let’s play. Let’s indulge ourselves. Let’s party all night long and eat forbidden fruit. Let’s find some exciting mischief to get into. Let’s lie in wait for a victim and ambush them for the fun of it. Let us overthrow Godliness. Let’s waste luxuriously.

Let’s break every law as we engage in extreme sensuality. Let’s break all the rules tonight. Let’s see how far we can go before we retreat in the nick-of-time to safety. Let’s run away with all their stuff and destroy to our heart’s content.

Let’s go almost all-the-way. Let’s go all the way without getting caught. Let’s violate the boundaries. Let’s heist the loot and make fun. Let us stubbornly resist unto full rebellion. Let’s toy with danger as we sneak around. Let us cast a spell and return.

These are crooked ways: distorted, enticing, sensual, warped, worldly, lustful, dishonest, sinfully exciting, risky, dangerous, deformed, scary, shocking, forbidden, intriguing. Fallen man revels in the crooked way and if you offer it to him, he will do anything for you, including voting for you. There is great pleasure in sin for a season and sin in the Garden of Eden warped what was natural and normal and lawful from the hand of Almighty God.

Proverbs 2:10-15, “When wisdom enters your heart and knowledge is pleasant to your soul; discretion shall preserve you. Understanding shall keep you: to deliver you from the way of the evil man, from the man that speaks perversity/fraud; who leave the paths of uprightness, to walk in the ways of darkness; who rejoice to do evil, and delight in the perversity of the wicked; whose “WAYS ARE CROOKED”, and perverse in their paths.

The crooked way is alluring. Man travels this path on a whim of his own and by simple enticement from fallen angels. It leads to eternal damnation, because it is the path to hell.

The straight way is very different. The straight paths are established by the Great Creator YaHVeH, who inspired these straight paths to be penned in His Word the Holy Bible. This way leads to eternal life.



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