End Times: Three-fold Distress Of Nations

The Book of Luke 21:25 has this phrase in it: “Distress of Nations.” Across the world there is distress of nations, even as I write: #1 coronavirus,  #2  tremendous economic upheaval,  #3  Islamic terrorism.

Coronavirus has caused an unprecedented worldwide disruption to everyday life without a single shot being fired. Fear of a modern-day “Black Plague”, that could potentially kill millions of earthlings, is fueling desperate moves on Wall Street and Corporation Boulevard. Whole nations and states have been ordered to a standstill with martial-law-like decrees, in an attempt to hold back the tide of the rampant spreading of infectious disease.

The world is becoming more and more ripe for the emergence of an international “savior”: a type of “messiah” if you will. That very same world brazenly rebels against YaHshua Jesus, who is the authentic Savior sent from heaven by Almighty God. They don’t want anything to do with Him. They want a messiah who will accept their depraved lifestyles.

The Almighty acknowledges their hostility towards Him and will give them what they ask for: a false messiah. This false messiah will tell them everything, that they want to hear. He will pretend to be their friend, but there is unfettered evil in his heart. For a very short time; he will seem to have answers. But when it is too late, he will show his true colors. The world will succeed in pulling the whole house down upon themselves in a maniacal fulfilling of the inevitable outcome of a wicked people.

Gloriously and amazingly, a few of the world’s billions will remain true to the One-True-God YaHVeH. They will not soil their garments with the sins of the world, but will wash them white in the blood-of-the-Lamb-of-God. These will escape eternal damnation through YaHshua Jesus and will live and reign with Him. HalleleuYaH!

Revelation 12:11, “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony and they loved not their lives unto death.”

Watch for a new world-wide intrigue, that is on a par with the “global-warming” “save-the-planet” craze. It could easily take the shape of  “world-wide controlled healthcare” through the United Nations, or worse. It could likely come with a key loss of freedom for all the inhabitants of the earth, for the good-of-all of course.

Authored March 25, 2020 by Mickey McConnell



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God Still Hates Divorce

“For YaHVeH God of Israel says, that He hates putting away.” Malachi 2:16

Question: Why did Almighty God say it this forcefully? Answer: Because covenant-keeping is extremely important to Him! The Almighty hates covenant-breaking! Are your words valuable or are the worthless?

Notice, the text does not say, that Almighty God hates divorcees. He HATES divorce.

The phrase “putting away” means: send away, cast away, cast out, forsake, leave, depart, push away, put out, divorce.

You hear all kinds of excuses. Well, we just grew apart. We are not compatible. The kids will be better off. We argue too much. They are mentally abusive. I’m not happy anymore. I deserve better. I just want to be happy. The list is vast.

Jesus stated, that whoever divorced their mate and remarried, was guilty of adultery, except in the case of their mate being sexually unfaithful.  Matthew 19:9

And Matthew 5:32 says, that whoever puts away their mate for a reason other than sex sins, causes them to commit adultery.

Of course there are all sorts of circumstances, but let us be clear here; Almighty God expects you to fight for your marriage. He expects you to keep your covenant. He expects you to not make excuses. He expects you to love your mate when things are better AND when things are worse.

Do you really think, that your mate is so so flawed, and you are not? Really? In the eyes of Almighty God; marriage is not just about fun, and comfort, and happiness. He hates divorce.

What if Almighty God gave up on us every time we blew it? What if He did not fight for us?

Finally, sometimes divorce happens. Sometimes a mate will cheat on you, and there just isn’t much of a way to get back. Almighty God understands.

Sometimes people just want to sin and don’t care about what happens; but then later on, they realize what a fool they have been. There is forgiveness for those who genuinely repent. Almighty God would rather forgive you, than condemn you. If this is you, then do First John 1:9, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Wherever you find yourself in life, fight hard for your marriage, and do not listen to all the excuse-makers. Do not listen to all the people, who counsel you to take the easy way out. Do all that you can; so that in the end, you can rest in the assurance, that your conscience is clear before Almighty God.

Psalms 34:18, “The LORD is near unto them that are of a broken heart, and saves such as be of a contrite spirit.”


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Ben Affleck’s Deliverance

Ben Affleck has many redeeming qualities. Being honest, authentic and likable; as well as, good-looking, have endeared Ben to millions of fans. He is also talented, determined and refreshingly blunt.

Ben candidly admits, that his biggest regret in life, is his divorce from the beautiful Jennifer Garner. He does not hide the fact, that he battles with alcoholism.

John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you free.”

Ben exhibits considerable wisdom, with his honesty in speaking the truth about himself. Many people make excuses and point the finger everywhere except at their self, but not Ben. He is very close to deliverance, because of truthfulness.

Hollywood does not hold the key for you Ben. Hollywood is filled with intelligent, wealthy people drowning in their own success and falling apart at the seams. Outwardly they impress, but are inwardly distressed.

There exists an anchor for the soul: steadfast and sure. Healing and life and wholeness are in His hands. Not religion and not lofty ideals, but a simple, genuine, sincere relationship with the Heavenly father, through His Son Jesus Messiah.

Unlike the very temporary fix of alcohol; Jesus is more than a fix: He is a way-of-life that brings lasting peace to the inwardmost parts. He is that sure foundation upon which an unshakable life can be built.

Ben, you have already impressed Hollywood and America. In worldly terms, you are an incredible success. Now bring success to your personal life through knowing the Prince-of-peace, who will always be with you in good times and in bad. Your deliverance is close at hand through truthfulness, if you will only close the deal.

John 8:32, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth will make you FREE.”

John 14:6, “And Jesus said unto him: I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes unto the Father, but by Me.”


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Who Is “Me Whom They Have Pierced” In Zechariah 12:10 ?

The prophet Zechariah divinely composed a remarkable account regarding an extraordinary individual. We read about it starting in Zechariah 12:10.

God, the heavenly Father, is speaking through Zechariah, that He is going to pour out the spirit of favor and earnest prayer upon the family of David and the dwellers in Jerusalem.

The Almighty says through Zechariah, that they will look upon “Me Whom they pierced.” Did you get that? How is it possible to pierce the Almighty? Excellent question.

Jesus is the Son of God. He IS God. The children of Israel turned Jesus over to Pilate, to have Him crucified (pierced). He died willingly for their sins and for our sins. It was the heavenly Father’s plan from the beginning. He rose up from the dead on the third day.

As a result of looking upon “Me Whom they pierced; the family of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem are going to be grief-stricken: weeping and wailing. Their sorrow will be so intense, that it will be like losing a first-born son.

Remember, that the children of Israel have rejected Jesus for some 2000 years, and Zechariah is prophesying about a time in the future, when they will recognize YaHshua Jesus as Messiah.

If we continue reading onward in Zechariah 13:1; it is revealed to us, that in that day a fountain will be opened to the family of David and the dwellers of Jerusalem. This fountain will be for sin and uncleanness.

Jesus IS that fountain for sin and uncleanness, and there He will stand before them. In Zechariah 13:6, one will ask Him about the wounds in His hands.

Jesus replies, “Those with which I was wounded in the house of My friends.”

Almighty God has used the children of Israel to bring Jesus Messiah into the world, and He has not forgotten them. Even though they rejected Him at the first; they will recognize Him and embrace Him in the end.

YaHshua Jesus is “Me Whom they pierced.”

February 23, 2020     by Mickey McConnell

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Pete Buttigieg Marriage Illegal

So let’s say Pete Buttigieg and Chasten Glezman get undressed; and behold, they are both sexually male! It is impossible for the two men to procreate; therefore, marriage does not legally exist between the two.

The Creator made marriage for two reasons: #1 Lifelong companionship. It can be argued, that Pete and Chasten could qualify on this. #2 Procreation. It is indisputable, that Pete and Chasten are not capable of procreation (reproducing another human being); therefore, they fail the test and are disqualified.

Liberal America says it is legal, but Almighty God says it is illegal. All mankind and all nations are inferior to the Creator and are totally dependent upon Him for life and breath. Besides, the act of homosexuality is biologically unsanitary; and therefore, logically repugnant. It is not only harmful to the health of society, but it adds confusion and chaos to our republic.

Almighty God did give man freedom of choice, to see who really wants to be an eternal  part of His kingdom. He will separate those who choose wisely from those who choose foolishly on the “Judgment Day.”

Romans 1:25, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, Who is blessed forevermore. Amen.”

It is a lie, that legal marriage can exist between two men or two women. It is a lie, that as long as there is love involved, the Almighty is okay with LGBTQ, and the “Judgment Day” will reveal the truth of these words.

Pete Buttigieg is confused about something that is so elementary and has been clearly established as morally taboo from the beginning; therefore, he is not qualified to handle the much more complex matters of the presidency of the United States of America.

The United States is headed down the path to hell, when people who speak simple truths are silenced and hated. Repent America, while the Almighty delays judgment for a season.

February 14, 2020   by Mickey McConnell

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Transgender Athletes Proof Women Cannot Do Everything A Man Can

https://theduran.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Transgender-athletes-1.pngHave you heard the extreme feminists saying, that a woman can do anything a man can? Well transgender athletes have proven, that this simply is not true.

In the last year or so, transgenders (in this case males claiming to be females) have been entering competitions for females, and winning every race they enter. Of course, this has resulted in complaints from female athletes. I agree with the female athletes, that all of this is wrong.

Fact: Men have, on average, 26 more pounds of muscle tissue than women. Men’s upper body contains 40% more muscle than women and their lower body has 33% more. Obviously, men and women are not equal!

It should be obvious why women do not compete against men in boxing, football, wrestling, etc. They would lose all the time and many would be injured or even killed right on the field of competition.

Genesis 1:27-28, “So God created man in His own image. In the image of God created He him. Male and female created He them. And God blessed them and said: be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth . . . ”

Once again we see the wisdom and truth of the Holy Bible. Almighty God created two, and only two, genders: male and female. People who say otherwise are in rebellion against the Creator.

When mankind rebels against the wisdom of Almighty God; it creates all sorts of problems. Just ask female athletes, who are forced to compete with transgenders. Progressive is not about progress at all; it is about casting away every moral restraint. The Almighty’s wisdom will always stand and no one is able to change that.

I will likely be accused of “hate speech” just by speaking the obvious truth, but liberals don’t care about the truth, now do they?

Psalms 1:6 “For the LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the ungodly shall perish.”

February 12, 2020    by Mickey McConnell


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Sadly Taylor Swift Infected

taylor swift new look 2014Taylor Swift is a beautiful and talented woman. It is hard to believe, that she is already 30 years of age. Taylor claims to be a Christian, but is she a genuine Christian? Only Almighty God knows her heart.

Taylor has openly taken a stand for abortion and homosexuality, and against Tennessee’s U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn. Taylor even called senator Blackburn: “Trump in a wig” and criticized Marsha vehemently. But there is a much higher authority than Taylor.

I have good news for you. We don’t have to take anyone’s word for what is good or bad, because we have a standard that was given to us by the Almighty, with which to make wise judgments and decisions concerning all things. This standard is known as the “Holy Bible”. It has been proven by the test of time to be completely trustworthy.

Romans 1:25-27, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creation more than the Creator, Who is blessed forever, amen. For this cause, God gave them up to vile affections, for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another: men with men working that which is shameful, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error, which was appropriate.”

Because a Christian is obligated to take-to-heart the Word of God, everyone who professes Christ must not support the obvious evil spoken of in Romans 1:25-27. It is NOT hate-speech, to publicly reject homosexuality, as Taylor Swift would have us to believe; quite to the contrary, it is an act of love. First Corinthians 13:6 makes this very clear.

First Corinthians 13:6, “Love does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth.”

Also notice Proverbs 6:16-17, “These 6 things does the LORD hate, yes, 7 are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood . . .”

No human is more innocent than an unborn human infant.

So you see, Taylor Swift is infected with the liberal left’s twisting of Almighty God’s word. There is a Judgment Day coming; in the which, every single one of us will stand before God and give an account of our lives: I will, you will, and Taylor Swift will. We need to be making preparation for that day even now.

The value of Taylor Swift’s soul far exceeds the value of any fame and fortune she seeks.

First John 1:9, “If we confess our sins; He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

Taylor Swift can get back on the right path by confessing these things to Almighty God and turning away from them. Confession-to-God and the-shedding-of-Christ’s-blood-on-the-cross are the perfect antidote for sin.

January 10, 2020   by Mickey McConnell

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Which God Is Pelosi Praying To?

Pelosi Rips Up Her Copy of Trump's Speech

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, committed one of the most disrespectful acts, that I have ever seen. In the picture above; you can see first hand evidence. Open shameless venom!

Whether you like President Trump or not is not at issue here. The office of the “presidency” is the highest position of authority in the United States, and Mrs. Pelosi trashed the office of the “presidency” right in front of the nation and the world. She also shamed the office of the “Speaker of the House of Representatives.”

Speaker Pelosi claims to pray to God, but just which god is she praying to? Almighty God, whose Son is YaHshua Jesus, hates homosexuality, and hates the slaughter of innocent human infants, but Mrs. Pelosi loves both.

One thing is for sure: Mrs. Pelosi manifested what is in her heart. The ugly truth is; Mrs. Pelosi does not love the United States of America. I am sure she would call that a lie, but her actions give her away.

Matthew 7:21, “Not everyone that says to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, but he that does the will of My Father which is in heaven.”

Psalms 66:18, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me.”

All of us need to examine the motives of our heart, to see if they are pleasing to Almighty God.

February 5, 2020   by Mickey McConnell

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Dividing Israel’s Land

Joel 3:2, “I will also gather all nations and bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will execute judgment with them there for my people and for My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations and divided My land.”

When you examine this passage from the prophet Joel; it is clearly seen, that the Almighty does not like the world dividing the Land of Israel.

In Genesis 15:16-21; we find, that Almighty God would take the Land of Canaan away from its inhabitants, when their sins were “come to the full”. These lands included the lands of the Kenites,  the land of the descendants of Kenaz Kenazzites, the land of the Kadmonite tribe of Palestine, the land of the descendants of Cheth Hittites, the land of the inhabitants of the open country Perizzites, the land of the giants of Rapha Rephaims, the land of the people of the mountains Amorites, the land of the Canaanites, the land of the Girgashites, and the land of the inhabitants of Jebus (Jerusalem).

The God of Israel, Jehovah, YaHVeH gave the land as an ETERNAL possession to the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Genesis 48:4). Eternal means eternal. Even though Almighty God sent Israel into captivity more than once, because of sins; He always returns them to their eternal heritage, the Land of Israel. It belongs to them!

The Holy Bible is Israel’s title to the Land of Israel.

In the Book of Exodus, when the Egyptian leader Pharoah would not let the children of Israel leave Egypt; Almighty God YaHVeH wrecked the Land of Egypt and destroyed Pharoah’s army in the Red Sea. Do the Europeans and the rest of the world really believe, that they can divide the Land of Israel and get away with it?

I believe President Trump has made a valiant effort to bring about peace between Israel and the Palestinians, but giving some of the Land of Israel to the Palestinians is not acceptable! All the land belongs to Israel and must not to be divided!

As Israel’s defense minister Naftali Bennett said; he is not willing to give one square centimeter of the Land of Israel to the Arabs. I would add to that: Israel should not give one square centimeter of the Land of Israel to the Philistines, Canaanites or Arabs. Do not divide Israel’s land and do not divide the holy city Jerusalem!

It is okay for the Palestinians to live among the Jewish people, but they may not have any say over the land and the workings of Israel, selah! This is not apartheid, as some ridiculously suggest. Israel is a tiny place, and the only place solely for the Jewish people. Get over it!

May Almighty God bless the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! May they possess all the Land of Israel, and may they rise up and rebuild the temple. May President Trump assist Israel in realizing all these goals. Amen!

January 31, 2020   written by Mickey McConnell



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Iran Arrests Age 21 Woman Christian Convert

Fatemeh Mohammadi, a young woman age 21, has been arrested in Iran, and her whereabouts is unknown. This is the third time she has been arrested. As a bold Christian, who will not keep her mouth shut, Fatemeh is considered a threat to the Islamic republic.

Think of how pathetic Islamic Iran has become. A young woman, who would dare to speak her heart and mind, might bring down a proud braggadocious Islamic regime?

Obviously Islam is tyrannical and coercive. Obviously, Islam can only survive and expand by force. Simple truth is considered a grave threat to their political realm. The Iranian Islamists know, that the free flow of ideas and liberty are more to be desired by the people than Islam, and therefore the Islamists are determined to stop the free flow of ideas and crush freedom.

The imams of Iran should be completely embarrassed and ashamed, that a 21 year old Christian woman is stronger than their whole system. If they have any serious smarts about them; they should be asking themselves,  “What are we so afraid of?” Is Islam so vulnerable, that we should fear Fatemeh Mohammadi? Does the average Muslim dislike Islam so much, that they would abandon it, because of the words of Fatemeh? Is the authenticity of Islam so questionable, that its adherents would cast it all away, because a 21 year old Christian could turn it upside down?”

The answer is a resounding YES! YES! and YES! Islam cannot survive except by force, because Islam is not credible. If Islam were really true, then the imams would have nothing to fear. Obviously, they are very afraid of people like this brave young Christian  woman.

I greatly admire Fatemeh Mohammadi. She is already a great woman and greatly to be admired and imitated at the age of 21. She is not ashamed of the gospel of YaHshua Jesus and is full of gratitude to Jesus the Savior for saving her from her sins. May all Christians stand tall just like her in the face of great persecution.

Heavenly Father, Almighty God YaHVeH, please open the eyes of the Iranians, that they may understand what is right and true. Help them to see, that they really do not trust Allah, and for good reason. Please help them to humble themselves and turn to you through YaHshua Jesus Your Son.

John 8:32, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

John 14:6, “Jesus said unto him: I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except by Me.”

January 19, 2020    by Mickey McConnell

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