Tag Archives: Sumaria

Israel Regained Jerusalem And West Bank Via Muslim Initated Hostilities

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Will the United States return Texas to Mexico? Will Pakistan return the country to India? Will Great Britain return Northern Ireland to Ireland? Will France give up Burgundy? Will Russia leave Crimea? Will Islamic countries surrender their lands to previous owners? The obvious answer to all of these questions is no. Whether by war or by intrigue, the above-mentioned lands came into the possession of modern-day governments. They were once disputed territories.

Arab/Muslim nations have attacked and/or threatened Israel on more than one occasion. As a result, the Arab/Muslims lost control of West Jerusalem, East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, Judaea, Sumaria, and the Jordan Valley.

Islamic Nations gained control of their lands by conquest, just like Israel gained control of the land of Israel from Arab/Muslims. Muhammad conquered the Arabian Peninsula, seizing the land from its owners. The spread of Islam was largely through armed conflict. It is extremely disingenuous for Muslims to claim any part of Israel as their own.

Not only did YaHVeH give the land to the sons of Jacob, but Israel successfully defended the land in 1948. Israel also conquered the West Bank, East Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, Gaza, and Sinai in 1967 after the hostile actions of the Arab/Muslim nations became intolerable. In 1973, Israel was attacked again by Arab/Muslims and Israel successfully defended their land.

War is the final word in conflict, when diplomacy and words fail to settle the matter. A nation must be able to defend its own property, if it wants to keep it. This is the case down through history. If Arabs/Muslims do not wish to lose more territory, then they should stop attacking Israel. Israel is not trying to expand its borders beyond the land they conquered. They just want to be left alone. YaHVeH is far stronger than Allah and not someone to be messed with.


Filed under Israel Regained Jerusalem And West Bank Via Muslim Initiated Hostilities