Tag Archives: scoffers

Huge Whirlwind Rips Across USA

Image result for images tornadosWhile most people slept, death and devastation plowed a wide path. The funnel cloud was virtually invisible, except for debris hurtling outward from a counterclockwise center. People are scratching their heads in disbelief, demanding answers that so far are not forthcoming.

Truth is, people don’t really want answers. They only want to have their itching ears tickled with words that don’t upset their pleasant fiction. Another homicidal maniac unleashed more death and mayhem into USA public schools, this time on the outskirts of Houston, Texas. Of course anti-gun activists push the narrative, that getting rid of guns is the answer, but they are 100% wrong.

Read this Holy Bible verse and read it carefully.  Hosea 8:7, “For They have sown the wind and they shall reap the whirlwind . . .”

I can almost hear the scoffers saying, “Here he goes again”, as if the Holy Bible were a useless book. They are stiffnecked, stubborn and have hardness of heart. Like I said, “People really don’t want answers.” People really do not want the truth.

What does “sown the wind” mean? Excellent question. Do you really want to know the answer? How about putting up gender-neutral signs on bathroom doors so as to accommodate wicked transgenderism? What about teaching little kids that homosexuality is a normal lifestyle? What about pretending that an unborn human infant is only a fetus and therefore okay to abort? What about taking prayer out of public schools? What about removing manger scenes from public property? What about removing crosses from public places? What about removing the Ten Commandments from public places and punishing any judge who would dare hang them in his courtroom? What about promoting every religion in the public schools, while forbidding anything Christian there? What about a generation of parents, who do not take their children to church and do not teach their children the ways of Almighty YaHVeH? What about mainstreaming every evil you can imagine, while forbidding anything Christian? What about the USA judiciary being filled with judges that are hostile to Christianity and truth? What about a nation that does away with masculinity and femininity and replaces it with feminism, homosexuality, lesbianism, transgenderism, bestiality, and every perverse thing you can imagine?


Oh yes, this scourge of shootings and killings is a direct result of all our “sowing the wind”. The chaos and confusion that has taken hold throughout America in various ways is a direct result of “sowing the wind”. Secular governmental solutions will have absolutely no success in fixing this problem. Only turning to the Almighty in repentance will make the difference; and if we don’t, there will be much more of the same.

Do not be deceived, Almighty God is not mocked, for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap. Galatians 6:7




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