Tag Archives: gold

How Mighty Lucifer Became Satan

Related imageLucifer was created by Almighty God. He was beautiful, even dazzling, if you will. Imagine this, the Creator covered him with precious stones: sardius, topaz, diamond, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, emerald, carbuncle, and gold.

He was called: the anointed cherub that covers. His name Lucifer means: in the sense of brightness, the morning star or son of the morning. He had a type of tambourine and pipes, apparently built into his body by the Creator. (Ezekiel 28:12-15 and Isaiah 14:12-17 Satan is a very skillful instrumentalist.

As you can see, the Creator made him special, and He also gave Lucifer the power of choice. The above passages indicate that Lucifer was corrupted by his beauty and brightness.

No one knows for sure what transpired to bring rebellion to Lucifer’s heart. There appears to be a great space of time between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2. Apparently the Almighty created all things in Genesis 1:1, and then by the time of Genesis 1:2, the earth became a desolation. What we call the “Creation Account” appears to be a time of rebuilding the earth after desolation.

It is possible, that the Almighty made beings for the earth long before Adam and Eve (study carefully Genesis 1:1 and 1:2), and placed Lucifer in charge of it. It is possible, that those inhabitants bragged so much about Lucifer’s splendor, that Lucifer got-the-big-head.

Once that happened, pride would enter his heart, and he would start entertaining ideas of taking the place of Almighty God. Our knowledge of Lucifer can be summed up in a word: rebellion.

Because the Almighty is omnipotent and omniscient, He knew when sin entered Lucifer’s heart. Perhaps Lucifer routinely traveled from earth to heaven and on one of these trips, the Almighty sent the archangel Michael to meet Lucifer at the gate to heaven. War broke out in the heavens and Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels were thrown out of heaven and banned from there.

The Almighty could have destroyed Lucifer then and there; but instead, He allowed him to roam the earth and its atmosphere, where  God would create Adam and Eve to live. The Creator gave mankind a choice to obey or rebel and used Lucifer to play a role in those decisions through temptation.

Lucifer became known as Satan, the accuser, and the adversary. Because Satan is so much more powerful than human beings; the Almighty placed boundaries on Satan’s ability to tempt man ; so that, he could not tempt him beyond his capacity.

But never forget, that Satan is very very inferior to Almighty God. When the Creator is through with him; he will be thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone forever.

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Wise Men In Iran

Several unusually wise men in Iran discovered unsurpassed treasure. They laid plans for the trip of a lifetime to see for themselves. Their journey took them across nations, without modern roads or machinery.

These men were astronomers as it were and of the magos. Although we don’t know for sure they were from Persia, the evidence is strong that they indeed were. They searched the heavens for direction. 1000 miles later, they found themselves in Jerusalem, Israel. They inquired as to the location of Israel’s newly born king. The people of Jerusalem were perplexed. Religious men suggested, that Micah the prophet prophesied of a King born in Bethlehem, Israel.

They followed His star to a house in Bethlehem Israel, where they found the young King. Imagine the Iranian travelers bowing down and worshipping YaHshua Jesus, son of Mary, son of Joseph, son of Almighty YaHVeH. Imagine their joy, when the journey of a lifetime resulted in 100% success in searching for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.

The Iranians presented precious gifts: gold, myrrh and frankincense, which they had carried some 1000 miles. The Iranians must have been men of great faith, to be so sure they would find the Messiah. Perhaps they had been greatly moved by writings they had discovered in Persia, left by Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego and others.

Almighty God does not send anyone away empty. Whoever searches for the Messiah with all of their heart will indeed find Him. The Iranian/Persian men were never the same. Their lives are a testimony against all who do not diligently pursue the Creator with an open heart and mind.

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