Science Missing Link Discovered . . .

Prehistoric man and prehistoric earth, existed millions of years ago, so they say. It all somehow evolved into modern man and modern earth, so they say.

But the evolutionists have had one unexplainable problem, and it is known as “The missing Link”. They have been frustrated for over 160 years, since Charles Darwin published his theory of evolution, because they have not been able to satisfactorily establish their theory as fact, with empirical scientific evidence.

I believe the answer is right in front of us. I believe, the Holy Bible reveals at least two separate times of Creation, possibly separated by millions of years. This would explain the DISCONNECT between prehistoric man and modern man.

Genesis 1:1 says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” This I believe is the first creation.

Genesis 1:2 says, “And the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.”

Notice the words “without form” and “void”. These two Hebrew words are “tohu” and “bohu”. They mean “to lie waste” and “an indistinguishable ruin”. From these two words it seems obvious, that the created earth of Genesis 1:1 suffered complete devastation.

Notice also, before what we call “the first day of creation” (Genesis 1:3); water was already in existence (Genesis 1:2). How can this be? The simple answer is this: Since water was already in existence before what we call “the first day of creation”, then what we call “the first day of creation” must not really be “the first day of creation.” It must be a second time, that Almighty God created or made. The Holy Bible seems to support this idea substantially enough.

I propose to you, that when God created the heavens and the earth at the beginning (Genesis 1:1), He also made the dinosaurs and the so-called prehistoric man at that same time. Apparently some calamity caused that old prehistoric world to become an indistinguishable ruin, leaving the devastated earth covered with water and surrounded by clouds so thick, that light could not penetrate. Darkness was upon the face of the deep.

No one knows how long it lay in ruins this way, but after a long time, Almighty God remade the earth. The first day, of the six days, of remaking the earth, Almighty God said: Let there be light. (Genesis 1:3)

Now, back to the missing link. Almighty God created earth “in the beginning”, and the remains of what had been on that old earth at the time of its devastation are still being discovered in archaeological digs around the world, and declared to be millions of years old. Long after that OLD-world-creation was devastated, Almighty God remade the earth fresh and NEW: THERE WAS NO EVOLUTION! It was created totally NEW and distinct from the OLD. Evolutionists have foolishly and stubbornly clung to the idea of NO Creator, and NO creation by Him. They are determined to disprove the existence of the Creator by producing some missing evolutionary link between the millions-of-years-old-prehistoric-dinosaur-earth and the newer-six-thousand-year-old-earth that we live in. There is only one link between the two, and it is the Creator Himself. He made them both and disconnected them on purpose. There is NO missing evolutionary link!

The destruction that took place was probably a result of “war in heaven” (Revelation 12:7-9). The phenomena of “free will”, otherwise known as the “power of choice”, has always been a messy affair, but Almighty God prefers it over making a bunch of robots, that serve Him because they have to.



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